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It's been 2 days since we launched.

In the meantime, I've been busy doing my job. I'm usually too exhausted to socialize, the result is I haven't really made friends with anyone. Newton checks up on me every now and then. But it's mostly quiet.

"Hey! (Y/N)! Can you give me a hand!" I hear from the storage area

I make my way over there to see Jayden hovering over a crate

"Can you give me a hand with this, I need it to go there," he says pointing a spot about eye level.

"Yea I can help," I mutter as I go on one side

I start lifting the box and it had some weight to it

"Heavy isn't it," he asks

"It's not definitely not light," I say as he chuckles.

We reach the spot as we start lifting it up.

"Nice and easy," I mutter to myself

Just when we were about to clear the shelf and set it down Jayden suddenly yells

"Ouch!" He says as he pulls away from the crate. The create drops as I still hold on to it.

It smashed against my toes as I start cursing

"You little--," I begin but stop before I finish the sentence.

"I'm so sorry!" He says as I lean on the shelf.

"I'm fine," I mutter as I control the pain from my foot

"You should head to the med bay," he says as I hold my hand in the air telling him to be quiet

"I'm fine," I repeat as he starts talking again

"You're going to the med bay," he says as we start arguing. The end result was me limping to the med bay.

"Ha," Jayden says in victory

"Don't forget you the one who dropped the damn thing," I say as he laughs nervously

I did a quick knock before I opened the door

"Petra!" Jayden greets the cyan suit as I go quiet

"What's up?" She asks

"(Y/N) dropped a heavy crate on his foot," he continues as I chime in

"You dropped it," I correct it as he laughs

"Come here, sit," she says to the table. I follow her directions as she detaches my boot and has a look at it

I feel the coldness of space between my toes.

"Gee, it's all bruised," Petra says as Jayden squirms

I feel her massage my foot as I resist the ticklish feeling.

"I don't think it's broken, but I would make sure you be careful with it," she says as she puts the boot back on.

"Told ya, no need to come here," I snark at him as he laughs

"Better safe than sorry," he replies as I roll my eyes

"Get someone else to help you with your work," I tell him as I leave the room. I didn't want to spend any more time than what I needed to in there.

I limp back to where I was and continue what I was doing. Luckily it wasn't any heavy lifting, just really doing basic maintenance like checklists.

I finish the task as I start limping back to my room

"(Y/N)," Newt says in front of me

"What's up?" I ask him as he looks at my leg

"You limping," he says distractedly

"Thank Jayden for that, tell me what you want?" I ask as he remembers

"You've been chosen as a gifter to one of the new crewmates," he says as I Remember

"Ah the tradition," I mutter as he smiles

"And in a weird twist of fate, you get Petra," he says as I sigh

"What the hell do I get her?" I ask him as he laughs

"She's one of the researchers, get her like a rock or something stupid," he teases me as I punch his shoulder

"Yea, yea," I mutter as I continue. I took a peek at the calendar and saw that we had Fun day marked in two days

"Wonderful," I mutter as I think. We have a lot of newbies on this trip. I think we have 3 rookies. All of them are the researchers with sub-jobs

Petra's sub job is the medic, another Newbie is Tia, she's the comm person I think, and you also have Louis...he is...I don't know what he does.

I walk around the ship thinking of what to give Petra. No matter what I thought of, I always returned to the same idea... I'll give her something for her suit. Just like what Olivia did for me.

I touch the leaf on top of my helmet. God, I wish Olivia was here.

But what do I give her? I mean I can't give her a leaf...that be a little weird.

I'm practically tearing apart my brain apart as I think of ideas...what to give her


Think, her suit is Cyan.

You know what...screw it...I'll give her a hair clip.

I'll find a way to fasten the thing to the god damn helmet.

I make my way around the ship gathering things to make a hair clip, or a hairpin...whatever they go by these days.

I spent the rest of the day assembling it. Heating metal and shaping it, the whole ordeal.

Finally, I made something that looks decent.

"Who knew making jewelry was this hard," I mutter as I turn the lights out and head to bed.

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