music video and meeting little mix.

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I smile and wrap Christopher's arm around my neck as trace his tattoos. Guys it's great you finally told the entire world that your engaged but she's still my little sister says Joel. I smile and say hey it's not my fault lexi doesn't have a crush on you anymore i said giggling. Aria nadia Pimentel yells alex as she runs towards me. Hey lexi what's up i said.
You didn't tell me I was you're maid of honor yells lexi. I'm sorry i wanted to surprise you i said as i hold up my free hand. Lexi glares and says you owe me Starbucks tommorrow morning. Deal i said as i let go of richard's hand and tackle lexi giggling. Aria yells erick as he runs in with skylar. Sky i yelled as i run and hug her. Joel laughs and says sis come on there's some people who wanna meet you. Who i said as i look at joel confused. Erick laughs and says c'mon guys. What's the big deal i said as i put on my sunglasses and i giggle as Christopher wraps his arm around my neck again. Joel rolls his eyes and says it's gotten worse since you proposed to her man and again she's my little sister. Awe you guys are so adorable together says lexi smiling at me. I smile and lean into Richard's side. Wow you weren't kidding she is real says leigh-anne smiling as she and the rest of the girls walk up the guys. Oh my gosh you must be aria says a blonde girl with long curly hair parted down the middle and a nose ring. I lift my head and say nice to meet you guys. Perrie jade leigh-anne jesy meet my fiancee and Joel's little sister Aria Nadia Skye Pimentel says Christopher smiling down at me. Hi i said softly. Wow joel she doesn't look like you at all and she seems normal says jesy. I get that alot but he's actually my older brother and the reason I'm on tour with the guys right now. Also she's a good singer says erick. It was just to get the guys to see i was a real person i said. They wanted to kick me out of the band says Joel pouting. Can you sing for us says jade smiling at me. Sure i said as i go sit down and grab a guitar and start to sing dna. Whoa you weren't joking erick says jesy walking over to me. She did my highnote better than i did says perrie with a smile. And my rap how says leigh-anne. I smile and put the guitar down and say i used to sing for some of my friends in college for fun i said playing with my engagement ring. Richard you did good with this one as she notices my ring. Oh my gosh that is huge says perrie as she grabs my hand and she looks at richard and says congrats. I smile and say he surprised me with it i actually had a promise ring first but when i went to sleep he switched it with this ring and the next morning my friend skylar had noticed it on my finger and i freaked i couldn't believe he did this but i talked to him and i realized he was the only guy i wanted to be with i said honestly. Awe well he hasn't stopped looking at you says jade smiling as she sits down beside me. I look up and sure enough i feel Richard's eyes on me. Perrie giggles and says true love is amazing isn't it. I wouldn't know I've never had a boyfriend until i met richard i said.
But you love him says jade. Yes he's amazing makes me laugh and i feel like I'm on cloud nine when he's around me or I'm with him i said softly. Perrie nods and says she's adorable as she hugs me. I smile and say thanks I think. Jade laughs and says uhoh boyfriend looks jealous as she sees Richard getting changed for the music video shoot. Wait there's five of us now and five of them Aria would you want to be part of our band for today says Jade smiling. I smile and say if it's okay with you guys sure I said. Hey beautiful princesa says Richard grinning as he walks over to us. Hey no you don't she's part of Little mix today camacho says perrie grinning at Richard.
She's going to be my wife Edwards says Christopher grinning back. What yells Leigh Anne as she walks over to us and says wife did he just say wife. I look at Leigh Anne and say I'm engaged to him right now I said. Engaged Aria this is huge says Leigh Anne. I smile and say it's normal for me I mean girls like me always dreamed of this moment. Aria you gotta let us plan you a hen party I mean a girls night says Jade smiling. I was going to stay with my mom and two bestfriends but a party sounds great. Perfect after the music video maybe if richard will let you go says Leigh Anne. I smile and say he's waited for me for 5 years I think he can wait one more night I said. Perrie smiles and says perfect welcome to Little mix Aria. I smile and say what as I turn around and I look at my outfit. Perrie grins and says yeah this isn't very you is it. No it's cute I just don't think it's very me I said softly. Jade grins and says Leigh pez come with me as she goes to her closet and grabs this outfit. The shout out to my ex outfit Christopher will not let her out of his sight Jade yells Leigh Anne giggling. I can't blame him that was my favorite outfit says perrie grinning. I was sitting in one of the makeup chairs getting my hair done. Hey guys are ready says the girls manager as she walks into the room. Wow Aria you look great you nervous. I nod and say a little it's just dancing with Christopher what if I mess up. Perrie giggles and says Aria didn't joel tell you Christopher is like one the best dancers in cnco he's not going to let you mess up and I heard him and the director talking he's planning on kissing you during your scene says perrie. I should change then I said softly. No way Ariella look at you says rose as she walks into the room. Rose why what are you doing here I said softly. joel invited me he wanted me to see you hi can we talk please says rose. If it's about Christopher no rose I said. Ariella listen to me Christopher he's ready to settle down but are you he's your first relationship says rose. Jade stands up and says hey don't upset her and you don't see how he is around her we've actually seen the two of them together it's different for them yeah he's a player but around her it's real he treats her like a guy should. Perrie stands up and says wow Jade that was beautiful and she's right if you really care about Aria like you say you do you'd stay and watch how he acts around her. Aria yells Christopher as he runs into the room. I look up and say I'm okay it's okay I said softly as I walk up to him. Christopher pulls me into his chest and says who let her on this set I'm not going to let you upset my girl anymore rose. Rose rolls her eyes and says you're not serious about my best friend admit it. Richard sighs and says rose you don't even know me I do love Aria she's the only one I want. Yeah right then why do you have a different girl in your music videos says rose. Christopher kisses my head and says go find your brother perrie Jade can you go with her Leigh jesy can you go get Lexi for me she's with Joel and zabdiel'girlfriend and Erick. Got it says perrie smiling as she glares at rose and says some friend you are and she takes me to where Joel is and says she's fine Christopher is with rose he's upset. joel nods and says Aria you alright. I nod and say I'm fine I promise just a little shaken. That was the old videos the only girl I want is my wife says Christopher crossing his arms. Wife Aria will never be your wife yells rose. Christopher smirks again and says she already has my ring on her finger all I need to do is get her to say I do and take my last name and she will be. Rose glares at Christopher and says you don't even love her we both know that. Christopher laughs and says you're jealous aren't you what her and I have is real and there's nothing you can do about it now get your ass off my set. Aria is my best friend I know her better than you ever will says rose. Christopher smirks and says I'll be her husband she's stuck with me forever you can be replaced rose is it. Damn yells Leigh Anne giggling as she watches from beside jesy and Lexi. Rose stomps her feet and says you don't love her admit it. I love her have since I met her says Christopher smirking again. Leigh-anne smiles and says guys he's definitely in love with you aria. We know that Leigh says perrie laughing. I sit quietly and say he wants to elope when the guys stop in the Dominican I said softly. What screams Jade as she runs over to where I am with perrie. Elope yeah you're definitely in trouble now says jesy giggling. Perrie smiles and says it's cute how he seems really protective of you.

 Perrie smiles and says it's cute how he seems really protective of you

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