chapter 3

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Nightmare pov

after a few weeks of us figuring out how to fly we finally got it. I was quick to figure it out and so was error but the others... well lets just say they were a special case they were so exited they ran off a cliff with a really long fall before they even knew the basics there reasoning was they were trying to learn like a bird does were they jump and figure it out in air. what they didn't realize was that birds and any other animal that fly's know how to do so because of instinct so they can afford to jump off high places and not die but we were not born as dragons so we do not have a natural instinct telling us how to fly. luckily I learned how to fly right before this happened and saved there asses and gave them a big scolding on common sense. so yeah it was a hectic day error started making blankets and pillows and other things for us after he learned how to fly but it was taking a while because we are so big now so far he only has one pillow he said it was for me. It might be stupid but it made me happy he was doing me first it made me feel like he was thinking about me more no matter how cheesy it was it still made me giddy. ahem anyway we decided to try hunting to get food sure but to also see our new abilities as dragons we are bound to have some special ability or something we may become suddenly really good with fire magic or something so we are going to try breathing fire or anything really then test out our strength to see how much we would have to hold back in fights that we don't want to be in and stuff. 

"alright guys were heading out now!" I screamed trying to get their attention so we can move faster so we can be back before nightfall. 

"ok mom!" replied horror, cross,killer, and dust it surprised me more than anything they have never called me that before so I stopped dead in my tracks. 

"d-did you just!?" I was so confused and I blushed in embarrassment which seemed to make error smile all the more cheekily. I looked at error staring at him in disbelief. 

"d-did you p-put them up to this!" I practically screeched. he smiled and nodded and then laughed some more.

"t-this is no laughing matter e-error s-stop right now its not funny!" I desperately tried to stop stuttering and sound serious but I failed miserably and everybody else laughs as well while I stood there a blushing mess. 

"y-you have to admit it suites you being called mom you're practically there mother (laughter continues)." error responded in-between laughter and giggles. 

" I-it does not and even if it did what would that make you their dad!?" I asked but immediately regretted it after seeing the Lenny faces they all made except error who was now blushing too.he soon regained his composure and walked up to me slowly which seemed to cue the others to leave. 

"Maybe." he said suggestively I blushed even more. he chuckled and then he nuzzled me with the stupidest happy face I have ever seen on him and I wanted nothing more than to nuzzle him too but if I did I don't think I would ever stop. 

"w-we should go a-and get f-food and uhm..." I could not help my stutter. 

error backed off and smiled he started walking out of the cave to the others but stoped suddenly. "you coming?" he asked sweetly. I nodded immediately and ran up to him. 

"you know if I did not know you I would think you were another version of alphys." he smirked and I could not help the irked mark from appearing on the back of my head I immediately shoved him to the side and ran off. 

"catch me if you can!" I yelled running off to find the others so we could get started with our day.

"oh you're on!" he yelled back running after me.

I could not help but feel like jumping in that void was the best thing I ever did. 

video does not belong to me but go check it out it's by BAD GUY this video does not have nearly enough likes!

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