Chapter 1: how it all began

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"Just get out why don't ya!" 

"Fine I will!" I screamed to my brother as I stormed out of the house. I pulled the pack of ciggerettes out of my bag and whipped out the lighter as fast as I could and I lit one. I didn't have a car to drive in, I couldn't afford one. I walked in the rain towards the pub because I had no where else to go and it was the only place open.

I sat down at the bar and put out what was left of my ciggerette. 

"what can I get for you?" she said so softly

"uhm, Just give me a pint." I said as I looked up to see the most stunning face I've seen in a while.

"Coming right up." she brought back over the class and as she handed it to me I saw the scars and cuts on her wrist, she quickly pulled down her bracelets hoping nobody saw the marks. 

"Excuse me but whats wrong with your wrist?" I asked.

"I haven't a clue what you are talking about." she said with a disgusted face.

"No, you know exactly what I'm talking about." I answered quickly back.

"Look you are the one soaking wet with bags, it's not me you should worry 'bout it's yourself." She said as she walked away in a hurry. I finished off my pint and as I got up to leave I left her all the spare change I had grabbed from when I stormed out of my brothers house, along with the change I left a small paper with my phone number on it.

Once the rain has stopped I went back to my brothers house, I knew where he hid the spare key so I got it and snuck in. Once I got settled in my phone started to ring, I ran over and quickly answered praying my brother wouldn't hear it.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"Hi, is this the young man that left his number with the change?" she also whispered back

I was confused and stunned that she had called so it took me a second to respond. "Uhm yes, but you can call me Zayn, and you are?"

"I am Samantha but you can call me Sam." she said, and the way she said it was almost like she was smiling over the phone. We had talked for about 5 minutes and then there was no response. I figured the call had dropped so I has rung her once more. The phone rang, and rang, and rang, but no answer, it was quite strange though because it felt as if someone was watching over the phone or people new it was ringing but decided to ignore it. I decided I would go back to the pub in the morning to hopefully find her. 

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