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Third Person Pov:

The rest of the week was the daily training, hanging out with hawk, going to school.

But today after training was different. As soon as Amelia opened the door she saw Robby.

"ROBBY" she yelled running to hug him

"hey amelia," he smiled.

"god, where have you been? are you okay? everything's good? are you staying? what have you been up to-"

"amelia calm down. i'm fine." he smiled but it quickly went away, "i've been busy with some things."

"with some things like?" amelia asked wanting to know what was more important to leaving her home alone for two weeks.

"just some things. has mom paid the bills?" he asked her

"i'm not sure. she hasn't come around." she told him

"fuck." robby said, "i don't have enough cash. you got extra?" he asked her

"no, but i can borrow some from someone?" amelia asked

"no no. i'll find some way-"

The door opened, "oh. hey kids." their mom said

"mom?" both kids said

"yup. i just came to get some stuff-"

"jesus christ." amelia rolled her eyes

"well, can you actually watch a movie with us?" robby asked her

"oh baby i wish i could but i'm busy right now. maybe later." she smiled

"if you aren't too drunk. or if you even come home." amelia told her

"amelia it's not like tha-" her mom got cut off

"it is like that mom. jesus christ. you blamed johnny for leaving but you're doing the same fucking shit. you think it's fair to robby? or me? robby skips school to pay for the shit YOURE supposed to pay for. he takes care of me. he forgets he has school and deals with what should be your responsibility. it is like that mom. you and you're drinking is fucking up our lives and your life." amelia told her

"it's not fair. no it's not." amelia told her and stormed off to her room.

She heard her mom leave which wasn't a surprise. Robby waited a couple of minutes before he came to check up on her.

"amelia." robby told her

"what robby," she asked

"i love you." he said hugging her

"i love you too robby." she hugged him back, "i appreciate everything you do for me," she smiled

Robby nodded. He didn't want to take all the credit.

The two finished the day by watching a movie. They also ordered pizza and ate.

The two had missed each other company, they hadn't had a day like this in such a long time.

"goodnight amelia," robby told her even though she was asleep and left her room.

The next morning Amelia had to wake up for school, she didn't want to go though.

She hated being there but she loved seeing her friends and boyfriend.

She walked to school with robby that day.

"hey miguel!" she told miguel seeing him by his locker

"hey amelia," he smiled, "hawk here yet?"

𝟵𝟵 𝗽𝗿𝗼𝗯𝗹𝗲𝗺𝘀 ( 𝗘𝗹𝗶 𝗺𝗼𝘀𝗸𝗼𝘄𝗶𝘁𝘇/ 𝗛𝗮𝘄𝗸!)Where stories live. Discover now