The beginning

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No ones pov

Once Upon a time there was a small village deep into the enchanted forest in Japan. This small village consisted of three species wolves, bunnies, and cats.
Wolves weren't a rare species to find at all, bunnies were going instinct since they were being hunted by animals outside the nice village, and cats were always living in the big city miles away, except one.

Katsuki Bakugou a small wolf pup was walking into dangerous territory with his friends Midoriya and Kirishima. The three were only six so they didn't know anything about territory and such yet.

Bakugou had abruptly stopped when he heard rustling.

"D-did you h-hear that K-kacchan!?" Midoriya said as he clinched to the red head wolf. Midoriya's green bunny ears quickly flattened on his head as he started to shake.

"Don't worry Midoriya! I got you!" Kirishima said.

Midoriya smiled at Kirishima shyly.

Bakugou on the other hand could smell a sort of sour smell. He scrunched his face in disgust at the scent.

"Bakugou what's wrong?" Kirishima asked his friend worriedly.

"Do you smell that?" Bakugou said as he punched his nose.

"S-smell what?" Midoriya asked.

"That sour smell!" Bakugou exclaimed.

"I don't smell anything.." Kirishima said as he sniffed the air only for it to smell fresh.

Bakugou shrugs.

Then suddenly a white wolf that looked to be in its early teens jumped out of the bush.

This causing the three to scream and cling to each other.

The white furred wolf landed on his four paws and started laughing.

"W-why are you laughing!?" Bakugou yelled as he was shaking with ears flat on his head and tail between his legs.

"Pft- it's just your faces are priceless!" The wolf laughed.

Suddenly a blonde wolf was behind him but this one looked smaller and fluffier.

"Boo!" The blonde wolf yelled.

This startled the white wolf to yelp.

The blonde wolf started laughing hysterically at the others face.

"H-hey! Keigo what was that for!?" The male yelled angrily.

"That's what you get for scaring those poor kids, Touya!" Keigo said angrily as he smacked the bigger male.

Touya whimpered.

"Rude!" Touya said as he started to sulk.

Bakugou, Midoriya, and Kirishima watched as they all stopped shaking.

Keigo chuckled as he lovingly licked where he smacked Touya.

Touya's tail started the wag from side to side at the interaction. Touya stood up licked the smaller blonde on the cheek.

"Are you two mates?" Kirishima asked.

The two nodded happily.

"Why aren't you in your human forms?" Bakugou asked.

"Didn't feel like it" Touya said.

"Touya we have to start going back..." Keigo said sadly.

Touya growled but nonetheless followed his mate back, but not before waving goodbye to the three.


"BAKUGOU KATSUKI WHERE WERE YOU THREE!?" Mistuki barked loudly as she scolded them.

The three flinched.

"We were in the forest!" Bakugou yelled back.

Mitsuki groaned and decided to let them off easy.

" Kirishima and Midoriya you should get back home now it's getting late" Mistuki said.

The two nodded quickly and said goodbye to Katsuki.

"What are we having for dinner?" Bakugou asked.

"We're having your favorite steak" Mistuki said happily.

Bakugou's face brightened as a huge smile appeared on his face. He quickly ran inside the house and into the living room where he sees his dad smiling at him.

Mitsuki smiled at her son and how fats his mood can change when it comes to certain things.

That smile quickly fell as she glared back at the flowing eyes that were watching her son ever since he came back. She felt that they weren't supposed to be here.

She shrugged it off and went inside.

The glowing eyes looked at the window as they admired the blonde boy form afar. The left back into the enchanted forest.

To be continued..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2021 ⏰

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