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Song: Starlight


Roy Kim.

Lyric: I need you
Now will you come
Next to me?

Deliberations have been made, a conclusion has been reached .....so.....

I'll be using individual POINT OF VEIWS....






"Like you always know, I met her as an orphan and saw the light in her , so I decided to take her in and cater for her"

I stumble on my heels , instinctively holding the wall for support.

What had happened earlier had left a vomiting sensation in my chest.

The washroom is just close, my hands fumble with the knob before opening it and stumbling inside,the action causing my golden locks to hang all over my face, my gaze set down.

There are other female staffs , standing in front of the mirror , some retouching their makeups.

Aware of their burning gaze,I make my way to the stalls and throwing up into the toilet right after.
Feminine voices catch my attention.

"Yeah that's her"

"She's such a fake bitch....I hate her. Did you see the conference? The CEO adores her more than his own daughter but she goes parading herself infront of other men , how ungrateful"

Taking in a deep breath, I stand up and lean my back against the wall,listening.

"Say it again girl, I never liked her , I just wish she'll be kicked out of Sky Entertainment and possibly, the whole industry..."

With a disbelieving scoff, I yank the door opened and step out.

"What fun will that be?"

I speak loudly , the two girls turn their heads to me , eyes wide.

I lean against the frame,folding my arms against my chest ,my lips twitching.

"Being kicked out of the industry ...tell me, what fun do you think that will be?"

Then with a fake glee, one speaks

"O-oh!its Soo Hin unnie..."

"Tsk,what fake bitches, when will people in this world ever be real?"

I snort, walking towards them.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves , even after I overheard you bad mouth me, you still pretend. Have you any filter at all....kicked out of the industry ?"

I laugh

"I'm the 'baddest' slut around, what do you think will happen right after I'm kicked out? I'll probably be seducing your fathers right after like the slut I am!"
The more I spoke,the more angry I got.

How dare they?

They don't know anything .they just judge books by their covers!

How cruel is that!

I Feel Your Pain!(Min.Yoongi )Soulmate Au Where stories live. Discover now