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You could say that as a teenager I did get the full high school experience. Got the blue eyeshadow, the braces, the awkward glasses etc. I was never really the popular girl or anything.

I met David in high school, I remember exactly when. I was fifteen, he was seventeen. I was doing my presentation about Cancer in Biology, I was sooo nervous that day. David was in my class because he had sacked his previous year. I never really talked to him. Sooo I was super nervous and this girl Lucy started throwing paper planes to my head, the whole class laughed ofcourse but David started throwing paper planes to Lucy's head. The whole class turned to her and started throwing paper planes to Lucy's head. David was kind off the popular guy, so everyone thought that what he did was cool. Anyways Lucy left during my presentation and I got a B+ for my presentation which was amazing for me. David came after my presentation THE DAVID SAYES came to me after my presentation and said these words: "I'm sorry about that but I loved your presentation" and then he left before I could say anything.

We started dating 3 months later. Ofcourse it was abit difficult to deal with David, he knew everyone and he was still very popular. Girls wanted to be with him and envied me. We were together ever since. Our relationship had ups and downs, but we still loved each other as if we met yesterday. David was also really patient with me because I was still a virgin. 18 and a virgin.

Present Day.

I woke up with my mom screaming my name multiple times. "What Ma?" I asked. "Luisa I just saw the news and there are people ganging up in the neighborhood and kidnapping people. I want you to be carefull" she said concerned.
My mom and I we're the only one standing in the family, my dad left my mom when I was 4 and he never returned ever since. My mom worked as a hotel employee and we live in South Beach. It's not a bad neighborhood but there have been allot of kidnappings lately. "Mom, ofcourse I'll be carefull" I said as I hugged her.

I look at my IPhone: Goodmorning my princess.
David, such a sweetie.
I reply: Goodmorning my angel, how did you sleep?
David: Slept wonderfull! Thought allot about you !!
Me: I love you, my mom was paranoid about those kidnappings again. Very annoyingg... Can I go to your place today?
David: Aww your mom is just concerned, I love you too and I have to work today.... but after work you can crush here if you want too ;)
Me: I'll be there!! Okay I need to make myself ready for work, talk to you later babe x
David: Can't wait my love.

I work at a breakfast shop kinda thing, it's very cutesy and allot of hipsters go there. I showered, put on some clothes, looked in the mirror. Eww. I go downstairs and give my mother a kiss: "I'll call you ma" I say as I leave my house. I go on my motorcycle and start the engine. I ride to the heart of the City, Coffee & Doughnuts . Thats my work. I park my motorcycle and go inside. My boss is there already waiting, im not even late what?? "Hi Luisa, how are you today" he says. Shit is he going to fire me?
"I am fine Mister Flame" he looks at me and its quiet for a long time.

"Ohhhhh there it is!!!!!!" My boss says as he looks at his phone." What is mister Flame?" I ask "My new playstation has arrived just now!" Pfff for gods sake... I thought he was going to fire my ass. I walk inside and put my stuff in the back, I go to the kitchen and stay there until the shop officially opens.
After a couple of hours in the kitchen and making coffees and cakes and doughnuts and such my boss says: "Luisa, behind the counter!" So I move to the counter and start helping customers. "Hi what would you like today?" I think I've said that sentence ahundred times.

After a couple customers a man walks in the shop, he had the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. "Hi what may my service be to you" I say a little startled by this handsome stranger. I start to look at his eyes and its just too pretty, and the rest of his face is also gorgeous. Brown blondish hair abit long, strong bone structure... just too gorgeous. "I would like 5 coffees please, black" he says.
Five coffees?? What five coffees?? Is he going to drink that all by himself? Is that healthy? He could have a heart attack. My handsome stranger. Nooo he couldn't drink five coffees, could he?
"Umm, hello?" He says "Oh sorry, yes that would be 4 dollars and 75 cents." I say. He gives me 5 bucks.
"Let me give you the change, one second"
"No need, keep it" he replies. What a gorgeous and nice stranger. I wait until Martha (my co worker) makes the coffees, and I give them to him. I look for the last times in his eyes and he leaves with his 5 coffees. My hot stranger. After hours of work I'm ready to leave. I write down my hours, put on my jacket and grab my phone.

I walk to my motorcyle and ride home, when I come home my mom is watching her favorite series on Netflix : Pretty Little Liars. "Mom I'm going to Davids today!" I say as I hear "Got a secret can you keep it..." my mom looks at me nods and stares to the television. I pack my toothbrush some toothpaste and my pajama.

Me: babey, I'm going on my way your house right now :)
David: writing...
David: BABEY!!! yesss I'll be waiting for you!!
Ahw my David, I feel guilty thinking about my hot stranger. I grab my motorcycle and ride to Davids house. It's a ginormous house. Did I forget to mention? David is filthy rich. Thats also why everyone wanted him as a boyfriend when we were in high school. I park in front of the door and knock on the door, first I hear fluffy the dalmatian bark, and after 3 seconds the door opens.
"Lu!!!" Lisa, Davids sister says. Ofcourse Lisa and I got along, our names look alike. :).
I came into the ginormous house and went straight to Davids room. I put my stuff in his room and jumped into his bed. It was so warm and cozy.

I woke up in the middle of the night to Davids warm body, I gave him kisses all over his body and I woke him up. "Hey there" I said. He looked at me and started kissing me passionately "Hey" he said.
David started talking about his day at work and how much his work sucked working for a famous company that sells cars. I told him I had it worse and how I cant stand coffee right now. "Did anything fun happen at work?" Like my gorgeous stranger? "No nothing pretty much boring" I said. "And you?" I asked.  "No, I saw Lucy, the one from highschool again" he said. Pfft. Lucy. She was still after David, every year since David and I were in a relationship she had tried to flirt with him or win him. She failed.
After we were to tired to talk we both fell asleep. A peaceful long sleep. 

Next morning I woke up and David had made breakfast, eggs and bacon. "Ohh I love you" I said. And I really did, I loved him soo much. "Lu, I have a question" David said. Hmm? "When will you let me have sex with you, when will you lose your v-card?" He asked. This might come as a shock but its the truth, I'm still a virgin 18 and virgin! Ofcourse David and I have kissed and performed oral acts, but not THE deed ofcourse. I wanted to wait until marriage.
"David, I dont know, when will you marry me?!" I said jokingly. Only David didn't see it as a joke. "Lu! What the hell I have been waiting for you since forever! Other girls would throw themselves at me and you, so damn difficult! How much patience do you think I have you fucking prude" He said angry.
"Not enough!" I replied as I left the room angry.
I went downstairs and through the door, I wanted to go to my mom, I didnt want to be here, I was so hurt David said that, he knows how much it means to me.
I put on my earphones and ride with my motorcycle.
I go alittle bit over speed, I take a shortcut and BAM!

Next thing I remember. I woke up in the dark.

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