399 43 5


February 13, 2018

I now got the courage I need.

I want to talk to Jisoo.

Scratch that.

I need to talk to her.

She's walking to her dad's car.

I called her by her name as she quickly turn to face me.

Every step I take to get closer to her, my heart is pounding so fast.

Scared on what she might tell me.

"Where's Taehyung?"

I can't read her emotion when I utter those word.

"Why? What do you need to him?"

"I-I'm just w-worried."

"You don't need to be worried. He's fine."

She turn around and continued to walk.

"Are you with him?"

Her track stop as she hears it.


"Then how do you know him? I always told you about him but you never utter a word. You even told me he's just my imagination, when you know that he's not. You should've told me that you have a relationship with him than making me look like ths stupid."

She face me again.

A tear escape from her glossy eyes.

"You don't know anything Jen. You better stay on your line. You and him are not supposed to meet."

With that, she left.

What's that supposed to mean?

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