Chapter 8: Sonic's Quest for the Seven World Rings

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  • Dedicated to Idina Menzel


        Elsa was very concerned about Anna and her safety, but she was concerned about her powers as well. Apparently, the ice palace had started being iced up in fear. To make matters worse, spikes started to appear on the walls and they seemed to be coming towards her.

"Get it together," she said to herself. "Control it."

The walls got more and more spiky.

"Conceal, don't feel!"

She tried everything she could but nothing worked. At first she thought that it was just something that she could take care of later, but unbeknownst to her, Erazor was on his way to kill her and the rest of the royal family of Arendelle (For our information, my friends, Erazor was tricking Anna into marrying him so that he could take over the throne of Arendelle and rule over the entire country.). Eventually, the entire palace looked as if it were spiky and could not be changed unless major repairs took place.

In the meantime, Sonic was on his way to retrieve the Seven World Rings. The first one that he had to retrieve was the World Ring of Prayers. In no time at all, he was able to find a wolf den.

"A wolf den, eh?" he said to himself. "Erazor never gives up, does he? Well, looks like I've got to storm the place!" And he rushed inside.

Well, as he kept running through, eventually, he saw a purple glow about 500 meters away. He stepped towards it and saw a lot of wolves surrounding a lot of rocks that were protecting it.

"Beg pardon," he said to the wolves. "Excuse my intrusion."

Then one of the wolves woke up and said in a very angry and brutal tone, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

Sonic was very surprised.

"You talk!?! Wolves don't talk!"

"Nor do hedgehogs look blue and stand one meter tall on two feet."

"This is quite a magical place."

"True. But, I repeat, what are you doing here and who are you!"

"I'm Sonic. Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm here to find the Seven World Rings."

"I see. Why are you trying to do this?"

"I need to try and save Arendelle from Erazor Djinn."

"You hate Erazor?"

"Hate? I abhor him!"

"So do we."

"Then why aren't you guys fighting?"

"Because..." and here the wolf looked down sadly, "we cannot bring the courage up to do so."

"Maybe I can help inspire you and your wolf pack."

"You go ahead and do so. The World Ring is right behind you. We cannot even pray good prayers to the Lord when we are put under a curse with it. If only it is removed."

"I'll take it."

And he placed the World Ring of Prayers into a satchel made out of camel skins and then the wolf said, "I never got to introduce myself. My name is Orion."

"Orion, eh? As in Orion the Silver Power Ranger, lord over the sea?"

"Indeed. I was put under a spell with most of my men when Erazor showed up in reality. The stories told us he'd be coming, but we never did believe till we saw the hair on our backs and ourselves shrinking in size."

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