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Sapnaps POV

"Ello"Karl says running up to me and giving me a hug.

"Ello" I say back.

"Ew romance" Dream says coming out of his room with a blanket wrapped around him.

"We said hi to each other?" I say looking at karl and then back at dream.

"George used to say hi to me..." Clay says.

"Awe what a sh-" Karl says before getting cut off by the doorbell.

I walk over to open it and when I did Ranboo and Tubbo walked in and both said "Hi! stop copying me tubbo, you have been doing this the past week"

"augh" dream groans in annoyance.

"He misses George im guessing?" Ranboo says putting his hand over the shorter boys mouth to keep him from being a bitchboy.

"Yes I miss himmmmm" Dream says leaning up.

"Poor baby, you'll be fine" I say sitting next to him.

Drista walks downstairs with headphones on. "These are staying on until minx gets here" She says loudly.

There's another knock on the door that karl gets, Tommy runs into the room followed by Wilbur, Niki, and Techno.
"I CAN STAY UNTIL 6 WHICH IS WHEN I NEED TO GO" Tommy says as Wilbur sits next to dream.

"Ayo whats wrong with this guy?" Wilbur says poking Dream.

"Wilbur poke me again and I will blow you up ... im just kidding, unless" Dream says crossing his arms and laying down.

"He misses his gogy, hello ranboo" Tommy says.

"Hello Tommy" Ranboo says taking his hand off of tubbo.

"Thank you segc" Tubbo says leaning on ranboo.

"Anyways wanna watch hamilton?" Niki says.

"I have a history project that I chose eliza so that would be cool" Izzy says sitting down next to Niki.

(im still impatient so just all the people in the groupchat went besides gog ofc)

"Isabella!" Dream says giving the computer back to her.

"Woah what did you do?" I say to her.

"I called Alexander Hamilton an ugly whore" She says closing the laptop.

Fundy snorts so hard mountin dew comes out of his nose. "Normalize calling Alexander Hamilton a whore" Minx says as H gets some napkins for fundy

"Thanks" Fundy whispers.

"No problem master~" Bomb says back to him.

"you guys im gonna cook something" I say taking patches off my lap.

"no, no sapnap cooking, you burned my stick" Quackity says.

"Okay fine what do you guys want?" I say crossing my arms.

"We have pizza rolls and mozzarella sticks" Izzy says getting up.

"How is she so good at cooking?" Karl asks.

"Somehow she is the best cook in this room" I say sitting back down next to karl.

"And you're the best looking" Karl says looking at me.

"I will kiss you rn"  I say back to him.

"Okay now you're just doing it to make me sad" Dream says curling up more in his blanket.

"Awe babygirl you always got me" Quackity says walking over and sitting next to him.

"I will bite your hands off leave me alone" Dream says as quackity wraps his arm around the blanket hes in.

"Tommy! put it down!" Isabell says causing us all to turn.

Tommy has a small knife in his hand. Isabella grabs a fork and they circle each other. "Put them down now or ill kill you both" Techno says not even looking up from the book he was reading.

They both put down the utensils and tommy looks at his watch. "I have an hour until I leave" He says.

"Can I help you get ready??" Tubbo says running into the room.

"Dont think I have a choice" He says looking back at izzy ready to grab a fork.

"Yeah ill be right back" Drista Says running upstairs to her room.


Drista runs back down with a bunch of things.

"Time to join us and die" She says



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