"I love you"

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"Tsuki! Hurry, we're gonna miss the fireworks" the younger boy shouted happily for the other boy to hear as he made his way onto the rooftop. Tsukishima following close behind him with drinks in his hands. However before either of them could say a word or sit down a loud Booming and hissing sound could be heard, as a large ray of light lit up the sky. Making them both look at the sky in amazement. "Tsuki, this..is so cool!" Yamaguchi exclaimed with a big smile on his face, the older boy turned his head to look at the smiling boy. The light from the fireworks made his freckles become more visible, making him look at yamaguchi in amazement. His focus was on the boy in front of him, instead of the fireworks. The boy turned his head to look at tsukishima, which he continued to smile.
"What is it? Is there something on my face?" He shook his head looking away in embarrassment, which made yamaguchi laugh As he made his way closer to him. "Let's do this next year, and the years after that! All the years after that too!" He said excitedly, which only made him nod making him secretly happy. "Yay! forever and always, remember you promised tsuki" were the last words he spoke as the fireworks began to get louder.

The silhouette of the glowing moon glistened its light through the trees, which surrounded tsukishima and yamaguchi. The two boys who were shivering slightly from the cold, they were bundled up to keep warm. The sound of footsteps from the snow beneath them could be heard as they continued to walk in silence. They both shared the same attitude towards the cold wind which caused both of their faces to flush. It also felt like pins and needles on their face from the coldness. Yamaguchi groaned as he walked faster to be beside him. "It's so cold tsuki" tsukishima quickly grabbed his arm making them to halt from walking.
"Be careful, you'll slip idiot. Stay behind me" he nagged, as he began walking once more. Yamaguchi smiled as he obeyed. Slowly they were met at their designation, the younger boy seemed to be out of breath as they walked to a small shed like building. The outside seemed very old, it wasn't a big shed however it wasn't small either. The wood seemed to be deteriorating, and dirt dirtied the outside especially the windows. Tsukishima liked this place, as they were the only two who knew of it and there were no people around.
They both made their way inside, yamaguchi quickly shut the door as tsukishima made his way in. The inside of the building didn't seem as bad as the outside, since they both had fixed it up. However it still seemed a bit empty, since neither of them were very much of a decorative person. Memories from when they were younger seemed to play in Yamaguchi's mind, making him smile more. "Tsuki! I caught a spider, come look!" "No! Get it away!" He continued to smile thinking of the memory once more before seating himself on the floor. Waiting for his friend to sit next to him. Soon enough he did, they both began to talk about random things, however that was until tsukishima asked "why did you ask to come here?" Yamaguchi looked away, visibly nervous. Unsure if he truly wanted to confess his overwhelming feelings for the boy in front of him or to keep them hidden. "Hurry idiot" he said, making him look at his golden brown eyes before quietly saying. "I love you".

Those words surprised the blonde haired boy as he stayed quiet, unsure what to say or do. Yamaguchi seemed to be very embarrassed, he hid his face in his hands as the room remained silent. 'Why isn't he saying anything' he questioned himself over and over again. His thoughts were then interrupted by tsukishima standing up. "Tsukki?.." he questioned lowering his voice. "I can't return your feelings, it's best to forget about this" He said as he opened the door, getting ready to leave. "I'll head out first" were the last words before the younger boy heard before the door closed. Tears immediately escaped from his eyes, he began to feel so lost and hurt. How could he forget the warmth of tsukishima's smile, or the way his alluring eyes seemed to captivate him making him desire for his touch. Yamaguchi stood up as tears blurred his vision as he stumbled out of the building, many thoughts began to run endlessly within his mind.
He felt overwhelmed with the feeling of rejection. With the feeling of pain which seemed to eat away quickly at his hope for something more than being friends. Somewhere within the woods, tsukishima continued to walk down the trail which led him to the street. He had felt guilty for hurting Yamaguchi this way, however he believed he could not return the feelings. He figured tomorrow he would apologize, however he had not known tomorrow would never come.
Once he reached home, he walked inside. A feeling of fear and concern seemed to overcome him as he realized how dangerous the trail could be at times. Tsukishima made his way quickly out of his house and to the hill, making his way up soon enough he reached the building. However the boy was nowhere to be seen, he began to look around frantically. The worst scenarios began to play in his mind, once he reached to the frozen lake which was close by to the shed. Was when the worst scenario had truly taken place, tsukishima screamed his name in fear as he made his way down the side onto the lake. His eyes seemed to widen as he made his way to him. His hands began to shake as the once white snow had turned into a crimson red color surrounding the boy who laid motionless on top of the ice. Once he reached him, he looked at yamaguchi with tears escaping. His face no longer had a sign of life, his body no longer was warm. It was cold, so cold.

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