Chapter 2 xxxxxxxx

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"Welcome to the year 1612," says the time machine, in a robotic voice.

"The 1600s?! I didn't want to go here! This is going to be RANK!" Barbie says as she steps out of the time machine. "Ew, people used to live like this? Couldn't be me" She says as her blue orbs scan around the dark, verdant, lush, foggy, wild Transylvanian forest. She walks in a direction that she thinks will take her to the nearest village in her hot pink shoes, throwing her messy hair into a bun.

Nearby, a sign says "WELCOME TO SIBIU," and because Barbie is so smart, she knows exactly where that is.

"Omg! That's a historic Transylvanian town! Cottagecore vibes!!" She walks casually through the town, which was lit with fiery torches and braziers. "Wow, so medieval, kinda living for it," She observes, before running into the town square, where the villagers were participating in a night-time market. "Just 1600s tingz," She giggles, walking up to the villagers. As she makes her way around the market, browsing what the 1600s people are trying to sell, the seggsy town bachelor, Kenneth, sets his eyes on Barbie and is immediately attracted to her.

"Va va voom," he says, walking up to her. "Hey there darling, how are you doing on this lovely night?" he asks.

"Ew! Get off me, you disgusting man! I'm married!" She yells at him, although she isn't actually married. Kenneth sulks away. Barbie, sick of the nasty villagers, takes to her little feet and walks back into the forest, where she soon finds a grand but derelict medieval castle. Signs surrounding the castle say things such as "Get out." "Please leaveth". You know how medieval tingz be.

The darkness of the looming, dreary, grand, old, ancient, medieval, transylvanian castle snatches the sparkle right out of her orbs. A shiver rolls down her spine like a rolling pin but Barbie is undeterred. To her, a rolling pin is just a pin that rolls, nothing more, nothing less. As she was thinking about how she'd really like to drop kick the creepy, yet seggsy man who had made a strange, car noise at her, the door swung open. A tall, blond, pale, pasty, gothic, old, medieval, transylvanian, goosebumpy, familiar man had opened the heavy door. He looked exactly like,

"Ken? My trophy boyfriend?" Barbie was puzzled quizzically.

"No. 'Tis I, Kenderly The Third,", he looks equally as quizzically puzzled. If you were to ask who he was wearing he would say 'I don't know, but it's a vampire looking suit with a cape, shiny shoes and a sun hat because I'm going on a picnic date with myself'.

"Oh, you look like someone I know," Barbie notices what he's wearing, which is totes the opposite of what Y2K fashion is all about. Even thinking about the year 2000 reminded her of the fire and another singular miniscule tear slid discreetly down her face.

"Are you crying?"
"No, It's just the one tear. It happens. Why are you wearing those weird clothes? And why did I go back here? And why did you open the door before I knocked?"

"The world doesn't revolve around you. In fact I was about to have a picnic date with myself,"
"ERM - L a m e"
"Perhaps this is fate and we were meant to meet here. We should go to the year 2000 together."

"You know about the year 2000?"
"No, but I want to go for some reason"
"Ok," there is a pause because no one knows what to say to 'ok.'. "Won't you die if you go to the year 2000? It's 400 years away. The time travel in this universe has strict rules, the most well-known states that you can only travel as far as your lifespan- don't ask how I'm here, I sold my soul-"

"Cool. I won't die." The weather was sunny for three seconds and then 4.37 seconds later it became night time and there was a strike of lightning and then it went back to normal.

A Trip in Time- NOT TWILIGHT 🙄Where stories live. Discover now