Chapter 36

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I woke up feeling well rested, but at the same time with a faint pounding on my head. Still closing my eyes, I let out a contented sigh and rolled my head, trying to gather my hair because I knew from experience that it would be a mess in the mornings.

My head froze in the process of moving as I realised that some of my hair was stuck somewhere. Lying still as dead, I concentrated on my surrounding. Then I heard it. The sound of breathing. Someone was breathing on my bed. I listened more closely. No, breathing wasn't the right word. Someone was sniffing on my bed, or rather, on my hair.

With further more concentration, I registered an arm laying over my stomach. Then I felt the tiniest movement from my right, as if some creature was nuzzling my neck.

Slowly, cautiously, I opened my eyes and narrowed them at the arm that was still holding me. When the arm didn't move itself from my point of vision, I trailed my eyes up the arm and shifted slightly, coming face to face with a devil who was sniffing my hair in his sleep. My eyes narrowed further. This particular devil looked cute, at least he did in his sleep, with his long eyebrows fanning his cheeks and his lips pursed like a baby. But that did not mean he could sleep next to me, put his arms around me and sniff my hair. His cuteness was not more important than my poor hair that was currently having its life sniffed out it by the said cute devil.

Reminding myself with great restraint to not fall under his spell and ignore how adorable he looked while sleeping, I let a devilish smile appear on my face and lifted my hand. Slowly, I brought it to the side of his face. I caressed his hair a little, mentally reprimanding myself to have forgotten to ask about the hair products he used. I felt a little bad for my next action when he let out a sigh and nuzzled his head further against me. But remembering that he slept on my bed, I smirked evilly and moved my hand to his left ear.

Then I yanked his ear. Hard.

"Who- wha- Ouch! Ow! Ow! Hey! Let go of my ear, you crazy wom-owww!"

I wanted to lift him off the bed by his ear but pouted when his head was still on the pillow. Nevertheless, his cry followed by a string of curses made me feel oddly satisfied and I finally dropped my hand from his ear, marvelling at its redness and his pained expression. Adrian was still blinking sleepily, rubbing his red ear, as if he thought he was still dreaming.

Slowly, he turned his head to look at me grinning proudly. His eyes narrowed in question. I smirked in victory. "What the hell did you do that for?" He asked, still rubbing his ear.

It took all of my efforts to not laugh out loud at how ridiculous he looked in his tousled hair, sleepy eyes and red ear. Or was the word cute again? Instead, I focused on the main problem here and narrowed my eyes back at him. "You've got the guts to ask me that question, Stone? You must thank me for being generous that I only attacked one of your ears. You have no right to sniff my hair, you weirdo! Wait, that's not even the main thing here. You have absolutely no right to step a foot in my bedroom, let alone on my bed! I swear to God, Stone, I was this close to ripping your arm off your body!"

Instead of backing down like a scared schoolboy in front of his principal as I expected him to, he only smirked in amusement, making my blood boil further. He smiled lazily and lifted himself off the bed, supporting his weight on his elbow as he looked at me. "First thing," he started, holding his finger to me, "I wasn't sniffing your hair. You're making me sound like a dog."

"You sure were acting like one, clinging to me." I retorted, earning a scowl from him. That only made him look more adorable instead of ugly, much to my disappointment. I really needed to stop behaving like a teenage girl with a crush around him.

"And the second thing, the more important one, this is not your bed or your bedroom for that matter. Last I checked, this was my room and hence it is you who shared my bed, sweetheart, not the other way round." With that, his infamous smirk graced his face while mine faded.

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