Chapter 1 ~

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Introduction and sweaty hands

"Okay Class, please settle down, There is a new girl who just joined our school today, and I hope all of you treat her nicely!" Ms. Myers, the science teacher said with a sharp edge to her tone she then glanced at me and asked "Can you introduce yourself to the class?" I looked around everyone was burning holes into my head, there were around 30 students in the class, which mean that more than 30 pairs of eyes were staring at me, waiting for me to start speaking, my heart was pounding violently as blood rushed to my face making me look like a tomato, I bet everyone in this very room can hear the beating of my heart and see the sweat dripping in my palms.

"Hi" I squeaked out "My name is Elena Buell, but you all can call me Ana, my mom is Irish, my Dad is English, and i was born in Scotland, I'm 15 and as you can see I'm in grade 10" I continued nervously, I was glad i could even speak out a sentence, last year when I joined my old school, I was so nervous that I fainted!

"Very well Ms. Buell" Ms. Myers said "I'm very glad to have you here, I hope you enjoy yourself and find great friends, please choose a seat and that will be your seat for the entire semester" She gave me a small smile, I stared at her scared to find a seat "Go on" she said giving me a reassuring push, i then started to search for empty seats, they was a seat or two at the very front but I know I can never survive there for a year, I then noticed multiple empty seats in the very back of the class, so I walked there careful not to stumble, there was a seat in between two nice looking girls, so I made up my mind and settle there, dropping my bag on the floor in the left side near a navy blue bag.

In my left side, there was a beautiful girl who at that moment was staring at me, she gave me a cute smile which i returned, and in that moment I realized she had the cutest dimples in the universe! She looked like a modern Native American, she was quite tan, and she had a very dark brown hair with light brown highlights; her eyes were of a sparkling hazel color. In my right was a red headed girl with green eyes trying to take notes as Ms. Myers was giving a long speech on our topic, she had a light sprinkle of freckles on her beautiful, pale face. I then took out my new exercise book and started noting down all the important points she announced for the class.

"Okay Class, The Math's teacher, Mr. Vasquez is absent today, so you will have a free period now, but no skipping school, And keep your volume down, i will be right outside if anyone of you makes a noise you know what will happen! Am i clear?" Ms. Myers asked staring down at all of us. There was a murmur of 'yes's and 'okay's then she left. After a while, the tanned girl turned to me gave me a bright smile and introduced herself "hey Ana, nice to meet you I'm Kathryn!"

"hey Kathryn, nice to meet you too" I said that and for sure she heard the fear and nervousness in my voice.

"By the way, you have an awesome accent; I love it, its soo unique!"

"hehe, really? Thanks! I get that a lot even though I don't notice it's unique"

Kathryn giggled and said "What? If you don't notice it then you must be crazy!"

"I think I am crazy, anyway where are you from? You look like a modern native American........"

"I'm actually Spanish but my mom is half American, and I lived here in LA my whole life!"

"Wow that's so cool" I said surprised.

After a while chatting with her, she asked if I want to meet others and gave her enthusiastic nod, she then turned around and so did I, behind her was a group of people. There was a smoking hot blonde boy, next to him was the red headed girl who was holding his hand. And right beside them was a tall dirty blonde guy trying to teach Spanish to another guy who had brown hair and black eyes. And at the very end was a very quiet guy with black hair scribbling something on a piece of paper.

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