The Duel

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A week later, the news that Harry was the new seeker had spread like wildfire. It was obvious that Malfoy was not happy, and neither was the Slytherin captain, Flint.

Y/N spent most of her time with Ron and Harry, helping Harry learn how to play quidditch. In her spare time, she hung out in the dorm with Hermione and Marlene.

On a Saturday afternoon, she decided to call the Winx again for the first time since September first. She sat in her empty dorm and pulled out the device that was buried in her dresser. She turned it on and the Alfea dormitory appeared in holographic form.

All of her friends moved into the common room, "Woah, is that your dorm room?"

Y/N smiled, "Yeah, Hermione sleeps over there, and Marlene sleeps over there," Y/N pointed toward the other beds.

"It's really... red," Stella added.

They all laughed. Aisha admonished Y/N, "You haven't called in forever!"

"I'm sorry! I've been really busy with classes and stuff."

"So... Have you found anyone you really like?" Stella questioned.

"Stella!" Flora nudged the blonde fairy.


"No," Y/N answered.

"Well, Tyler will be happy," Bloom commented.

Tyler was a specialist at Red Fountain. Everyone knew that he liked Y/N, but they were good friends and she didn't see him that way.


"Why 'Hmm'?"

"Oh nothing. It's just that I've shot him down so many times but he's... persistent. But it hasn't interfered with our friendship." Y/N heard footsteps that she recognized as Hermione's. "Sorry guys, I have to go."

"Ok, call us more often."

"Will do." Y/N quickly turned off and hid the CamCaller. That's what she called it.

Hermione entered the room quickly, she grabbed Y/N's arm and said that Harry had a letter. Y/N got up and followed Hermione downstairs.

Harry and Ron were already seated on the couches. Y/N sat down with Hermione. The envelope had a green wax seal, it seemed to be a family crest. Harry opened the envelope:

Potter. You think you're so great? Fourth corridor, East Wing, 1 hour. We'll see who's really the better wizard

-D. Malfoy

"What does he mean?" Harry asked the three students.

"He means a duel, Harry," Ron said.

"Harry you can't duel him. That breaks a million school rules!" Hermione exclaimed.

"But if you don't, Malfoy wins," Y/N mentioned.

"True. Okay, I'll go."

"What?" Hermione was doubtful. "The only problem is, you don't know how to duel."

"Oh, well does anyone know how to duel?"

"I know a little," Ron answered.

They spent the hour teaching Harry proper dueling techniques, Hermione taught him defensive spells and Y/N taught him a few offensive spells.

"You guys are coming with me, right?"

Ron nodded.

Y/N said, "Of course, I wouldn't pass up the opportunity to watch you kick Malfoy's arse."

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