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~2020~ It was summer break and I decided to go to my nan's house for the night.

When I got to her house, I got my iPad, opened TikTok, and lid down. I scrolled for about an hour when I came across a video about "Shifting".


I checked the comments and everyone was like "You'll all shift tonight" "Yay congrats" And I'm just here like: 👁️👄👁️

I closed TikTok and went into google.

"What is reality shifting"

Once I understood it, I was like "Okay. I'm going to do this. PERIOD"

I opened TikTok again' and searched "Shifting methods" and screenshotted everyone.

"Tomorrow when I go home I'm going to make my script. I NEED DRACO"

At the time, I had a H U G E obsession with Draco Malfoy...and I still do lol

"Jay! Supper!" My nan called from the kitchen.

I Grabbed my iPad and brought it out to the table.

I was on harry potter TikTok at the time, so I just scrolled through numerous Harry Potter videos while I ate baked potatoes and steak.

Once I finished eating, I put my dishes in the sink and wiped my face.

"Nan I'm going to go get a bath"

I went into my room and picked out a pair of pajamas, and then walked into the bathroom.

After I got out of the bath, I put my pajamas on and then went into my room. 

I started scrolling more when I realized I was hungry again.

I walked into the kitchen and made some popcorn and went back into my room.

"You know what..? I'm going to stay up as late as I can so I can be tired tomorrow night. For the raven method"

I ended up going to sleep at like 4 or something, so yeah, the next day at about 10 pm I got into harry potter pj's , grabbe dmy laptop and wrote my script and did the raven method. I dont remember if i got symtoms, but i did not shift. 


Anyways, that was 2 years ago :D lmao- uhm.. AND I STILL HAVENT SHIFTED HVCRD&G*UIHBH AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. 


So you know whattt?? THIS YEAR> THIS YEAR IS MY YEAR BABY. Tommorw is friday, so I will be trying tmrw, I will be doing my own method! I just mixed the 5 senses method with a bunch of things I think could/will help me, so yeah! 

Ps: Im going to be thinking of this as ¨restarting¨ my shifting journey, so tommorow will be attempt 1. And im actually gonna put effort into it for once. ANyways, BYE!! HAve a great day! <3

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