The Ups and Downs of an Unconfident and Nerve Wrecked Teen (2)

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I groaned as my shoulder shook. "Eliza, Eliza, we're here," Jim whispered softly in my ear trying to rouse me from the clutches of sleep. My eyes fluttered open sleepily, and rubbing the sleep from my eyes I looked up at Jim. His head looked like it shined slightly in the new light.

I winced as sat up, a little sore from the position I was in, and then looked out of the small compartment window.  

"Hello Canada," I mumbled to myself, and then gave a large sigh.

Dalton had already grabbed his bags and was lumbering behind the line of people looking irritated. William, on the other hand, looked extremely exited. I sighed once again and rubbed my temples before I started grabbing my things.

"You okay, Eliza?" Jim asked worriedly. Usually he called me by my nickname 'Ellie' but by calling me Eliza I had a feeling that that he didn't want me angry at him.

"I'm fine dad, really," I said smiling reassuringly.

Instead of replying, Jim smiled. He grabbed his own bags and then followed Dalton and William. I shrugged and grabbed my own things and followed the rest of my family to my new life in Canada.

Our car pulled up to our new home. The two story house was white granite, and the front steps and porch were a black wood with black railing;  the roof was also black. There were quite a few windows and, from the looks of it, the place had an attic. I was kind of surprised to see the house actually looked pretty cool, with my dad's abnormal taste I expected a blue house!

Dalton and William were grinning from ear to ear. The moment the car stopped they bolted for the house, with me right behind them. What can I say? I didn't want Dalton and William to get the good rooms.

The first floor of the house looked like it only had a living room and kitchen plus bathrooms so I headed upstairs with the boys. The first room I came to looked pretty okay. This room had a small closet but lots of space and it had one large window. I was about to step into the room when William pushed past me.

"Mine!" He shouted excitedly. I was going to argue but the kid just looked really happy, so I turned and went searching for another room.

I peeked into a new, spacious room and saw that Dalton was already standing in the middle of it. He smirked when he saw me, and told me that this room was already claimed by him. I rolled my eyes and left the room not bothering to observe it, I wouldn't see it much anyways since Dalton hardly ever opened his door; it was usually messy.

I walked down the hallway and noticed that there seemed to be another room at the end. First, there was a bathroom near the end of the hall then it turned off towards another room but there were also stairs beside the door. I frowned and decided to explore, scratching my head before I headed up. With each slow step I took, I expected to hear creaks seeing as they were wood steps but was surprised to hear none. The door at the top of the steps looked amazing.The intricate designs looked like an actual tree and the door gave an illusion of having vines around it.

I slowly opened the door and came to find that the room was round with the end side flat. The large window to outside was on the one flat wall while the door right across from the window was on a curved part. The room was larger than I expected so I was clearly amazed. I moved to the middle of the room and slowly span around to take all the details in.

"Like it?" Jim asked from behind me.

"Yeah, it's amazing. I want it!" I declared turning and giving him a look that said I wasn't going to give it up.

"Of coarse it's yours. It's just your style," Jim said chuckling before he turned. "Oh, and all of our things are downstairs in the front hall. I labeled all of your bags with your name." He turned and walked down the stairs but not before I caught his green eyes shining happily.

I rolled my eyes and followed down gasping when I saw the large boxes lined in the hallway. An hour later, I was panting heavily and sweating from bringing all my stuff up, but, on the good side, Jim had already set up my bed frame and put my mattress in my new room. He had also brought in my dresser, which I was thankful for. I pulled the mattress on the bed and pulled out my blankets and pillows from my 'bed box'. After making my bed, I moved my black dresser to the flat wall side and started piling clothes inside. My bed was now on an angle only a little bit away from the dresser. Finally, I started decorating. I put pictures, decorations and other things on the wall. I also put things on my dresser before assembling a desk for my school work. I decorated that too and put a CD player on it before I put a rug down and sighed softly.

Jumping onto the bed and laying down, I beamed at what I had done with all of my hard work; everything was to my style. My navy painted room had all kinds of colours from the pictures and decorations. Now, my bed was on an angle at the side of the room and my desk was straight, facing the window but nothing behind or in front of it.

"Wow, great decorating skills Lizzie. Wish I had found this room first," Dalton said, his lanky body leaning on the side of my door frame.

"Well Spike, maybe if you had just looked around for once you would have got it," I said smirking and sitting up from my bed.

"Hah! Seriously Lizzie? Spike isnt cool at all. I don't want this room though, mine is cool enough," Dalton rolled his eyes and grinned. "So, school is tomorrow. You excited?" He asked even though he knew well enough that I was going to be a nervous wreck tomorrow.

"Hmph! Not in the least," I said crossing my arms defiantly.

"Well, you'll be fine. I'm sure of it," Dalton said coming and ruffling my hair.

I frowned and gave him a slight glare. He liked ruffling my hair to tease me and be 'brotherly' as he called it so, as a comeback, I liked calling him Spike just to tease him and be a good little sister.

"Well, it's almost time for bed. It's going to be hard but try and get over the jet lag," Dalton said before he waved and left the room.

I smiled and pulled on my pajamas getting ready for bed. I just hoped my nerves will allow me to go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2011 ⏰

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