Stay Away

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- Brad's POV -

"Thanks for coming, I really needed to see you." I smiled as I looked into her eyes, they were just as I remembered them.

A sudden creak in the floor boards down the hall distracted me for a moment but I'm sure it's just a cat or something.

"No problem, I'm always here for you." Francesca replied and leaned in for a hug. The noise around the corner got louder and my curiosity grew as I walked round the hall to see who was there.


I could recognise that long brown hair anywhere even though I just caught a glimpse of it.


It was her making the noises and my stomach turned when I realised how bad this looked.

Francesca is Connor's sister who is one of my closest friends to be honest it's like she's my sister too and Megs probably took this the wrong way and thought that we hooked up or something. Shit shit shit.

"What's wrong?" Cesca asked.

"Megs just overheard us."


"She doesn't know who you are so she probably thinks I'm hooking up with some random girl."

"Oh shit, is this the same Megs we were just talking about?"

"Yeah that's her."

"Then go after her and explain everything!"

"I dunno Cesca, she shouldn't be with me."

"Oh for christ sakes stop making up her mind for her! You obviously still have feelings for her and she obviously does for you too otherwise she wouldn't have come here."

"I don't have feelings for her I am head over heels in love with her."

"Then fight for her." She smiled.

"Ok. I will." I nodded and turned away to run to Megs house.

"Good luck!" I heard Cesca shout as I got into the lift.

I was nervous but I don't know why. I guess I was anxious about pouring my heart out to the one girl I ever truly loved and I was afraid of getting rejected.

I firstly needed to explain the whole thing that just happened and explain who Cesca is and then I need to explain the whole being an asshole in the supermarket thing.

My heart began to beat faster and faster as I arrived at her house. I laced up to the door and gave three loud knocks.

The door opened and unfortunately Megs wasn't the one standing before me.

"Brad?" Sam's deep voice spoke.

"Is Megs there?"

"Mate don't tell me she's crying because of you."

"Please I can explain everything just let me talk to her."

"She's gone to bed man."

"Please I know she hasn't she only just got back here."

"She doesn't want to see you."

"Please mate I'm begging you."

"Brad you need to go, you've hurt her enough and I'm not going to let that happen again." He says firmly.

"Please can I ju-." Before I could finish speaking Sam's fist came into contact with my face and the impact made me fall on the hard concrete drive.

"I mean it Brad, stay away." He shouted and slammed the door.

My cheek stung and blood came off onto my hands as I touched my face. I brushed off the dirt on my knees and began to stand up. I stumbled over as I felt dizzy. Man, Sam can do a lot of damage.

But he doesn't scare me.



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Mwa - baconandbrad

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