Chapter 7: Another one to go

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I was looking for clues. While I was looking threw a bookcase I felt a presence behind me. To my disappointment I saw Jake.
"Hey" he said nervously
That's it? That's all he can say? He litterly just threw me under the bus!
I ignored him. And continued searching the bookcase.
He then scratched the back of his head and said "look, I'm sorry for what I said. Everything is pretty hectic since Daisy is dead..."
We were silent for awhile. So he was really sorry? I guess I can understand where he was coming from after all our best friend is dead in a bath tub upstairs.
"I understand. Apology accepted" I replied
Jake smiled wildly with relief.
While searching the bookcase. Finding nothing. I decided to give up searching and go downstairs with everyone else. Just as I was about to I saw spider dangling in front of me.
I screamed. And fell to the floor.
Jake laughed while holding the spider.
So he decided to apologise then prank me. Wonderful.
I grabbed a book from the bookcase so I can smack him and the spider with it. Just as I grabbed the book the case opened revealing a dark tunnel.
We were frozen in shock.
"I think you just made it a class A detective Blaire"
I rolled my eyes.
As we walked threw the creepy tunnel we saw a light.
We walked towards it and we saw a framed photo of Arthur... and above it was a portrait of Daisy but it was crossed off with a red pen.
"Oh my god..." said Jake in shock
"We have to tell the others!"
He was right. There was no time to investigate the place we have to tell the others.

We gathered everyone at the dining table.
"So what was so important you had to gather everyone in this creepy dining room?" asked Ashlynn
"I don't how to explain this but-" As I was about to say what we found I was rudely interrupted
"We found a secret passage!" Shouted Jake
Everyone was in shocked and turned to me and Jake.
"Inside there was a a framed picture of Arthur crossed off portrait of Daisy ..."
We were all silent.
"Well. The person doing this either has a obsession with Arthur or is related to him and wants revenge" said Daniel
"We're screwed"
"Don't say that!" Sad Chloe nervously "maybe we'll get threw this..."
"To get threw this we have to find the host. I feel like they're behind all this" said Liam
"What if... yes of course! The host they're-"
Before Liam could continue his chair fell backwards and the floor opened up revealing spikes causing Liam to fall right into them.
Once he did the floor closed and the lights went out.
Everyone started screaming and shouting.
"Someone get the lights!" I shouted
The lights then came back on and there were portraits of Daisy and Liam crossed out on the wall. Something started playing and we heard a deep dark voice.

"Greetings guests. I am your host and your friends murderer. All of you have taken part in my brothers murder and some of you have hurt him. I will not rest until I get my revenge even if I have to resort... TO MURDER!"

The lights went out and once they came back on the portraits were gone.

"What just happened!?!" Shouted Daniel
"Well I guess I was right" said Liam
We all turned to him.
"We're screwed"
I hate to admit it but he's right. 2 people are dead and we're trapped in a house with no signal with a murderer.
Hopefully we'll get out and find out who's getting revenge for the mistake we made.

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