"I'm too far gone Deo." ~ Chapter 2

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(Tommy's POV)

"Tommy what does he mean not mentally stable...?" Uh oh. Me and Deo look over at each other. I leave the VC and start to have a mental break down. Deo pulls the car over and gets out. He opens my door and unbuckles the seat belt. "Toms I want you to follow my breathing ok?" He breaths in an out, over and over again until my breathing goes back to normal. "Toms we have to tell someone. They have to know."  he says "Later Deo, please not now...." "Ok Toms, we can tell them later."

Time skip brought to you by Deoinnit

Its now late at night and Deo just went to bed, I'm going to go downstairs and see what there is to eat. I walk downstairs and turn the corner to see a half drank pack of beer. It must be Deo's father's beer. A little sip won't hurt right? I take a sip, then one sip turns into another. I take another and before I know it I'm super drunk. I start playing Wilbur's song Internet Ruined Me. I then hear Deo's bedroom door open, he walks downstairs to find his kitchen littered in beer bottles. "Tommy did you drink all this beer?" he asks in a panicked voice. "y-yeSSSsss, I-it sOOOO yUmmMMYYy" I say in a very soft voice. "Tommy your not supposed to be drinking your only 16! I'm going to have to tell Dream, Wilbur, Phil or Techno." He sounded like he was crying "Let's get you bed Toms" He picks me up and brings me to his room, he lays me down in his bed and I close my eyes. I drift off into a very deep slumber.

(Deo's POV)

After I lay Tommy down I go to my office and boot up my PC. I decide to call Dream since he lives the closest. I ring him and he picks up almost immidetly "Deo? Why are you calling me this late?" he says with a tired voice. "Dream, I woke up and found Tommy drunk in my kitchen. Dream please help him, he lost almost everything in 1 day. Please." I beg "Wait, you woke up to find Tommy drunk in your kitchen?!" he asks, I wish I didn't. "Yes, Dream please help." I say, I'm on the verge of tears. "Deo, the meet up is tomorrow. I will help you keep an eye on him, but we need to tell Wilbur, Phil, Techno and Tubbo. They need to know." he says and I agree. "Alright Dream lets call them." I add them to the call, ringing them. "Deo, Dream why do you need to talk to us? Me and Phil are on our way to pick up Tubbo." Wilbur says. "Deo found Tommy drunk in his kitchen and we thought we should tell you guys because you guys are his family, considering that you guys are the only family he has left." Dream explains to them what happened. "Please try to help him in anyway you can. I still am trying to figure out if he cuts or takes any kind of anti-depressent." I tell them all about his depression, he anxiety and his anorexia. "I'm going to go now, I need to make sure he is still asleep in my room." "Bye Deo" they all say. I walk back into my room and slip in bed. I wrap my arms around him and he snuggles into my chest. "Goodnight Toms, I love you."

Timeskip brought to you by Dreamnotfound

(Tommy's POV)

I wake up to Deo's arms wrapped around my waist with my snuggled into his chest. I get embarassed. Then Deo spoke "Why did I wake up to you drunk listening to Wilbur's music last night?" Uh oh. "Uhh, I thought it was water?" I try to convince him that I thought it was water. "Toms, I don't believe you. It was in a case in the corner of the room labeled return to dad. Why did you actually drink it?" He asks "I thought one or two sips was ok, Deo I just want to be done with life." I say, he starts crying. "Don't think that way Toms. I'll always be here for you ok?" he says while crying. "I'm too far gone Deo."



Started 8:00 p.m March 22nd 2021

Finished 8:45 p.m March 22nd 2021

Words: 732

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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