break my heart again

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a/n: this is the original fic- in your POV, and in 2018. part 2 will be in gojo's POV, and part 3 will be in 2022. i might make a part 4 about you and gojo's early relationship too if you want :)

please watch the attached video/listen to "break my heart again" by FINNEAS to get into the mood :))

word count: 3.7k


Today was the first time Gojo broke your heart.

You sighed, staring up at the ceiling of your shared apartment with Gojo. It was already 11 pm, and he was still out, on a mission and whatnot.

It wasn't the first time he'd stayed out late. This week alone, he'd come back home late four times, hair ruffled messily and clothes ripped and torn apart. He never had any blood on him, which was good, but he always came back panting and sweating, so you always pitied him, coddling and fussing him- and he never stopped you as you took off his clothes from his warm, sleeping body, meticulously sewing them back up again under the dimmest of lights, careful to not wake him up again, as if nothing had happened.

But he never thanked you, either. lt wasn't like you saw him that often lately, anyways. You always awoke, swinging your hand towards the space Gojo occupied the night before, but all you were met with was a cold, empty space.

But you never pestered him about it. You never showed up to work to help him out, because, you justified, he needed time and personal space. And of course, that's fine!

Sighing, you grabbed a half-finished bottle of red wine and started pouring it down your throat. You didn't want to think anymore. It was you and Gojo's anniversary, and he was out again, on a mission. After downing all the remaining wine, you slammed the bottle back down on the table, shattering it.

Seeing the mess on the floor, you sunk your head into the table, uncontrollably sobbing, thoughts flooding into you like tidal waves.

Is he finally falling out of love with me?

I mean, that is to be expected... He's the strongest jujutsu sorcerer out there. Girls and guys are flocking to him from left and right. Why would he choose me?

Is he embarrassed of being with me? I'm can't even conjure a Domain Expansion...

As you tried to stand back up to clean up the mess, you dismissed those stray thoughts by justifying his actions, telling yourself that He's just tired. He's just always on missions. He still loves me. It doesn't mean anything.

I'm sure he's busy now, why else would he ignore me?

But you couldn't help thinking about a stray thought that had slowly, slowly crept into your mind these past few weeks.

Is he cheating on me?

You hadn't been intimate in months, and you knew there were many beautiful men and women that were practically throwing themselves towards him every day.

No matter how hard you tried pushing the thought away, chastising yourself for having so little trust in your lover, it didn't stop the tears from continuing to fall. That didn't stop you from shaking as you made your way towards the kitchen. And that certainly didn't stop you from taking another swig at a bottle of vodka.

As the effects of the alcohol set in, your mind going hazy and your eyes glazing over, you crawled into bed, turning off the lights, silently chastising yourself for even expecting him to come home. Wrapping your hands around a pillow, you drowned yourself in your thoughts, slowly drifting away to sleep.


You woke up to an unexpected sound of a dish being broken in the kitchen. Jolting awake, you ran to the source of the sound, just to see Gojo wearing an apron, holding a small spatula. His face wore an expression of pure panic, but as those ocean-blue eyes, behind those sunglasses that were snugly resting on his nose, caught sight of you, his lips curled at the edges, and he gave you a smile that lit up your world so much it could've rivalled the sun.

break my heart again // gojo satoru x readerWhere stories live. Discover now