Cheating Game

9 1 0

Pov - Kirsten Ryder

Lights strung high above the assorted colored booths giving each person their own glow. The dark being overturned in the small festival venue. Chatting, eating, and playing games were the only things people did.

Squeals and kissing from couples or even close friends as they waited in the grass waiting for the firework show to begin. The small hill that everything was set up on faced the water giving off a great reflection of bright figures.

The grass felt soft as I brushed my hand over it grabbing it in my hands and then finally releasing it. Small daisies surrounded me as I lay with my eyes closing slowly, breath shallow as I waited for my boyfriend to come back.

Wind went through my dirty blonde hair obstructing the strands into my eyes even more, making me open them noticing something above me.

A pair of crystal blue eyes looked down into mine making me sit up looking at the taller figure. The light wasn't bright enough to get a good look at him, but I could already tell he was taller and had more of a slender figure to him. His eyes piercing and his hair looked to be a dark blue. A black and white tattoo peaking out of his sweater; a rose surrounded with flames being on the back of his right hand.

"Hey," he finally spoke up after a while of us just staring at each other. "is this seat taken?" he pointed to the place next to me in the grass.

I shook my head, a small smile spreading across his features as he sat down. My nerves didn't stop going as he scooted a bit closer to me. He leaned back against his hands and silently looked out into the water that was right in front of us. The water sparkling into the night sky, the many couples starting to get closer to one another.

My hands wrapped around my knees pushing them to my chest. An elbow hit my side making a small smirk evident on the other's lips, "You don't have to be so nervous around me, it's not like I'm gonna do anything to you," he leaned closer as his lips were placed next to my ear. "unless you want me to."

I slapped my hand at his chest pushing him away. A laugh came out of him as he fell flat against the grass. "You're so fun to tease, I'm Jordan."

"Kirsten." I spoke at the water, not bothering to look at him.

The quiet surrounded us again feeling comfortable enough to lay back next to Jordan. A sigh escaped the two of us at the same time. A chuckle came out of me, but was quickly stopped once I felt something trailing up my thigh.

"Hey!" Sitting up fast and now swatting his hand away.

"Calm down, princess. Nobody can see us anyways." he smirked only turning his head to look at my flustered face.

Huffing I moved my whole body to face him "I have a boyfriend."

Jordan's eyebrow cocked to the side, "And?"

"What do you mean, 'And?' That obviously means to stop trying to hit on me!" I felt frustrated from the guy's behavior.

Finally Jordan sat up looking at me with a scary glare grabbing my jaw making our faces only inches apart. "Don't tell me who I can and can't hit on, you hear me? And I'm not even hitting on you, don't think so highly of yourself." He spat.

The authority in his voice sounded so different from how Zack talked to me. Remembering all his sweet words and honey sounding voice, his puppy dog eyes every time we hung out together.

But the other person's face was already too close for me to think more about my so-called boyfriend, forgetting about him as my eyes looked down to his soft looking lips. Feeling the calming breathing of us and his grip getting ever so tighter.

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