Vast Difference Between Manifesting Shakti's vs. Siddhi's

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There is a vast difference between manifesting powers of divine on the path to enlightenment known as Shaktis vs. Siddhis which are a manifestation of the ego which may divert you from enlightenment.

Scientifically humans have evolved through many phases. From amoeba to fish — physical growth, physical breakthrough. From fish to monkey — physical and mental breakthrough and from monkey to man — conscious breakthrough.

Now where is the breakthrough from Humans to Superhumans? From conscious breakthrough to super conscious breakthrough?

Initiation and awakening of these extraordinary Shaktis from an Avatar gives us a superconscious breakthrough.

SHAKTI vs. SIDDHIShaktis express from the space of Enlightenment, as a side effect of feeling connection with the Divine and high integrity with the Guru.Siddhis, which are powers that manifest from Tapas or penance for Enlightenment.Shaktis are source of enlightenment. Siddhis are on path of enlightenment.The Shaktis of Paramaśiva manifest through ordinary human beings in an extraordinary way after initiation from the Avatar.Shaktis are permanent. Siddhis are not.Siddhis divert you from enlightenment. Shaktis are source of enlightenment.

SPH Nithyananda Paramashivam's own words:

Many time people ask me "Swamiji if you do Samyama if we do Samyama, what we manifest will be Siddhis. Pantajali also says, Vibhuti Pada, he gives multiple powerful cognitions and ask us to do Samyama and then these Siddhis, powers will manifest and what is the difference between those Siddhis and what Swamiji teaches us as Shakti, what's the difference?''

Please, understand, the system Paramashiva is sharing with you all through this body, through me, is starting with the fundamental cognition that you are Paramashiva, Ultimate. Normally when you practice the Patanjali's system, your Unmanifest decides you are a man and you have to move towards God, so that is the fundamental cognition with which you develop powerful cognitions, you do Pratyahara- Dharana- Dhyana- Samadhi Samyama and manifest powers.

Here, the system Paramashiva is revealing through me, the whole foundation is different, here the foundation is ''You are Paramashiva'', understand, your Unmanifest recognizes that you are Paramashiva, even if you have not yet manifested it. There is a complete shift in the whole foundation from which, from where you are beginning. The beginning starting point is not ''You are a man, you need to reach Divine''. No .''You are a Divine, you need to manifest Divine''.

Understand, that is why, what Paramashiva is revealing through this body and through this system, through this methodology, any Samyama you do on powerful cognitions, you manifest only Shaktis, Powers, not Siddhis.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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