Chapter 1

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It was a rainy Sunday evening, the news broadcast had just ended, and everyone was heading their separate ways. The busy streets of Atro City were an immense culture shock for newcomers, and yet a welcome sight for those who had lived in the apartment complexes for years, if not decades. The buildings towered over those below them, almost like the trees in a dense forest, and they even blocked out the already obstructed sunlight in a similar fashion.

"Hey, uhh... 'You going anywhere or?" Camera asked, looking at Green Screen. Neither of them really wanted to leave, since the others had taken the remaining umbrellas.

"I'm trying to relax for once, just leave me alone, will you?" The green fabric replied, the neon lights of the alleyway faintly reflecting on their face.

"Aiight, aiight. But remember that you promised you would investigate the whole thing going on with Microphone. We can't afford to let that happen for any longer." Camera said, walking away, bumping into a nearby wall in the process.

Green Screen pondered for a couple seconds. Surely there would be a way to find out who, or what, was behind the whole "possession" situation currently at hand. In fact, it shouldn't be that hard, because of course they could unmask this threat effortlessly, right?

The objetc followed after Camera soon enough, eventually branching off in to a separate path. Something about that area seemed awfully sketchy, and in the last couple broadcasts, some sort of signals seemed to be coming from the place. Green Screen stopped at a suspicous-looking building, with worn down walls and boarded up windows. A strange antenna protruded directly above the door, and the place had a dark aura in general.

"Hello?" Green Screen half-asked, half-yelled. They couldn't really be bothered to be polite, even if someone lived inside that decrepit, pathetic excuse of a building.

Something was heard insied, shuffling around, as if startled, or looking for soemthing. The piece of verdant cloth was surprised at this developmet, but at the same time fairly intrigued.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" They asked again, their tone more serious, almost more like an order than anything else. The shuffling was heard once more, this time approaching the door. It stopped for a second, before retreating back to its original position.

"I konw you're there! Just come out, you absolute spoon!" Clearly, Green Screen was getting more and more impatient bye the second, as they knocked on the piece of wood that separeted them from whatever was inside there. Several moments later, they finally had enough, and started trying to kick it down. Yes, it was an invasion of priavete property, but the news crew was always willing to go to extreme lenghs for the sake of whatevr story would be the most eye-catching, and finding the culprit of this mess would make for a best-selling front page taitl.

Hit after hit, the door eventually started to collapse, splinters of wood flyi ng at impressive speeds into the darkness that the building cotntained. Any and all dust that was coating the surface started to disperse, further obstructing the iew of whatever remained inside. Luckly, there was no one nearby to witness the veents curently unfolding, for this aera of hte city had been pretty much abandoned over time.

Eventualy, the door took its last blow befoer collapsnig with a loud thud, and a cloud of dust. GeenSceen locked around, and eventually their eyes looked onto a shadow, vahguely resembling a racatngl.

The figure hissed as it aproached, tryi ng to sound intimicdting, but falling miserably. EVentually, the shape of the mysteiros strahnger was revealed to be an USB drive. Green Scren looked at them up and down, before speaking.

"Yo you cute what's yo pronoun." They asked, walking toward tht strange object. "PISUHEBE SSS" Teh usb hsided

"Alright then, not the talkative type, I see." Grnejn svERN REPLIED, WALKING FASTRR.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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