first heart break I

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Well it all started about 3 months ago. I went to school first time in 10 months I don't really know anyone in my class but I had one friend. Well call her Olivia. Olivia and I knew each since 6th grade ( this is talking place in 8th grade) and she sat right next to me. And there was this one boy who caught my eye he sat right in front of me. His name was braycen. I found him very attractive. Haha. He was that quite kid who only had a couple friends and I was considered popular since I was friends with many popular kids ig, but I noticed him and only him. One day I started to make conversation with him.

We became friends. Until one day over online school I asked Olivia to get his phone number since I was to scared to ask him myself but half way through this plan I chicken out and told her to not do it, but I was to late she had already messaged him over webex. And after school I was scared he would text me but maybe 4 hours after school hey texted me.

Hey it's braycen

Oh hi

*sends video attachment of his playing cod*
This is what I was doing while Olivia texted me

Oh cool

To be honest i was VERY dry at first and I was to scared to text him how I'd normally text my friends
But eventually we started FaceTiming and I was very good at acting normal on calls and that's what I did I was at a friends house when I FaceTime him and he just watched me play video games and what not which is weird to think about but I didn't mind everyday we would FaceTime for hours not even saying anything to each other and he would FaceTime me while he's playing Minecraft with his friends. But then one day my friend told me I should tell him I liked him. So that's what I did

Before I told him I sent him a really fucking cringy TikTok it was one of those that said " what am I do you " and it had colors like for example red mean they liked you or yellow mean they hated you sorry I'm not good at explaining but I sent this to all my friends to it wasn't just braycen and he said lavender for me which meant I give of pretty vibes which made me really really happy. And I said black for him which meant I felt safe around him. Then I asked him.

Me: Do you think I'm pretty

Him: Yes

Me: Oh well I like you 😎

Him: Yea I know


Him:I mean yea it was obvious


Him: well for starters you asked me when my birthday was and asked me what I wanted which show you cared and you respond to me right away and lastly we would call for hours doing nothing and I've caught you just staring at me And I like you too

Me: dam it was obvious

After that I was so happy I after that day we would text everyday for hours and call for hours and we even had a fight of who likes each other more we would play those stupid game pigeon games and I would always win haha then Valentine's Day came around and I worked up the courage to tell me to be my Valentine he said yes HOAJSKWKKSSJ I was so happy but we didn't do anything we would of hung out but he was at his dads so he couldn't and then one day out of the blue he told me he loved me which I told him I move him too because I really did. Then we would always say I love you to each other and goodnight and shit but then one day he stopped replying to me I asked his friends if he was grounded or something they said no so at school irl I asked him why he hasn't texted me back his excuse was he didn't want to text.

I didn't think much of it unti 3 weeks went by and he hasn't respond I was crying every night because I thought I hurt him it did something bad to him and I kept blaming myself but then one day I joined him on Minecraft and I asked him and he said again he didn't want to text but his friends say he texts them everyday so I knew he was ignoring ME because before all this at school irl he would wave at me since he literally sits right in front of me but now he ignore me and avoids eye contact and this really brought down my mood because I fucking loved this man but I started to question if he really loved me. But then I noticed he blocked me from Xbox And tiktok so you know what I said fuck him and deleted his contact and blocked this bitch but I still couldn't let go fully and this is the end for now and her one of my notes on him

you wanna know how I really feel ? I fucking hated myself for a whole month telling myself I did something to hurt you. I've asked you if I did anytuhing but you said no. I didn't believe you because how could you just talk to me everyday TELING ME you loved me but then stop talking to me and acting like you never said thos thing you've left me to think I hurt you in someway you left me to think I messed up our relationship we used to talk everyday call for hours and have fights on who loved Eachother more now it feels like a lie it all does you likeing me feels like a lie YOU LOVING ME FEELS LIKE A LIE it's all a lie you never loved me nor liked me at school yku used to wave and say hi now you avoid eye contact and your bitchy with me I try to ask if your ok but you ignore me you know what. I'm giving up on you I don't love you anymore whenever I think of you I think of all the bad things I might have done to you but know I know for a FACT I didn't do shit to you yours the problem not me who fucking tells a girl you love them then ghosts them for a month fuck you braycen FUCK YOU  FUCK YOU im so very sorry that I annoy and texted you everyday tell you I love you now I could care less if you have a good reason I can fucking care less
March 20
To be honest I am jealous you use to talk to me all the time now you fucming talk to maile FUCKING MAILE right in front of me and don't even say hi to me you AVOID ME but u talk to maile WHAT THE FUCK I don't know why I ever loved you
March 28

Yea..... and I still don't even know what I did to him😐

 and I still don't even know what I did to him😐

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2021 ⏰

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