Come Back- 9

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Jisoo's POV....
I could see the shock and disbelief on Rosé's face after I told her my mum threatened to kill her.
She even let go of my hands.
"What do you mean?" She asked and I picked up her hands.
"It's true. She forced me to leave. She sent me to Tokyo because she believed you were a bad person, a liar, a cheater and some much more... she said you were not the right person for me. And that's why she always monitors everything I do. She didn't even want me to come back to Korea in the first place but my dad convinced her so she let me come back, but under her close supervision" I told her and she was looking at me with pain in her eyes.
"So all this while, you were staying away from me.. for me?" She asked me and I nodded.
"You're the most important person in my life Rosé.. I love you so much that I'm willing to die for y--"
"Shh, please don't say that" She placed a finger to my mouth and I could see the tears streaming down her face. "Please.. don't say things like that Soo, you're not going to die.. you'll stay with me and we'll have our own family. Even if you're going to die, we'll do it together" She said and I looked into her eyes for a few moments then hugged her.
"I don't know what I'd do without you Jisoo.. I just want this pain and suffering to be over" She cried and I clutched her shirt.
"I also want that Rosé. But we have to find out why Mum hates you so much because it can't be because you used to bully me. It's to small for a reason... there.. there has to be something else that caused her to despise you so much because she used to praise your family before"
"You're right. But I can't seem to understand what it is. I've never done anything to her that could cause her to hate me so much she'd threaten to kill me"  Rosé said and I pulled away to look at her.
"What ever it is, she got to know on prom night" I said and she looked at me, confused.

Mrs Kim's POV....
I have to find out where Jisoo is before anyone else does since she's probably with the Park.
"Oh no" I took a seat on my bed. "Everything I've worked for for the past five years will all go to waste if Jisoo spends any more time with that Park. She'll slip out from my hands and I wont be able to control her anymore.... that can't happen.. IT CAN'T HAPPEN, ARGH!" I got up and looked around for something to throw but I found Jisoo's framed photo instead. "My dear daughter, Jisoo. For all these years I've kept you safe under my control. I even sent you to Tokyo and you didn't complain about it. I agree it was mean of me but it was the only way to keep you safe and away from that Park. But now that you've met again, you left your mother alone.. and guess who'll have to pay for that now?"

Lisa's POV....
Jennie and I were about to leave when we heard her mum speaking.
"Oh no. Everything I've worked for for the past five years will all go to waste if Jisoo spends any more time with that Park. She'll slip out from my hands and I won't be able to control her anymore.... that can't happen.. IT CAN'T HAPPEN, ARGH!"
"What's she talking about?" I asked and Jennie turned up the volume on my phone so we could hear her mum.
"My dear daughter, Jisoo. For all these years I've kept you safe under my control. I even sent you to Tokyo and you didn't complain about it. I agree it was mean of me but it was the only way to keep you safe and away from that Park. But now that you've met again, you left your mother alone.. and guess who'll have to pay for that now?" A dark chuckle was the last thing we heard.
"Your mum's a mudang?" I gasped playfully and Jennie sighed.
"This is not a joke Lili, she's after them-- she's after Rosé. We have to tell them, right now!" Jennie panicked.
"Okay. I'll call them up now"
"Don't call Jisoo, she left her phone at home"
"Okay" I said and called Rosé. "She's not answering--"
"Try again!" I flinched at the sudden tone and gave a quick nod.

Rosé's POV....
Jisoo and I were packing our things and getting ready to leave my family's holiday home when my phone rang.
I'm glad I remembered to turn it back on.
"Is it Lisa?" Jisoo asked behind me.
"Yeah" I smiled and answered the call. "Hi Lisa, Jisoo and I are just heading back home--"
"You're in danger! Get back home right now! Mum is planning something!" Jennie shouted from the other side and I turned back to look at Jisoo.
"What do you mean Jennie?" I asked her and she explained everything to me. "What? Okay, we're coming back right now" I hung up and faced Jisoo.
"What's wrong? You look worried"
"It's your mum. Jennie thinks she's after us. Lisa and Jennie think she's up to something so we have to leave now" I told her and she nodded so I took her outside with me an we got into the car.
"Rosé, I think I know what we need to do"

Jennie's POV....
Come on ChaeSoo. Where are you? I hate being left in suspense. Are they safe or are they not? I need to know so I can calm down.
"Jennie stop pacing around or you'll get more stressed than you are now" Lisa said but I couldn't stop. I need to pace so I can think more about what's happening.

What if they ran off to Singapore? Or India? Or Malaysia?-- I cant speak Malay!

"Jennie! Snap out of it, you look like a hungry cat" Lisa shook my shoulders and I frowned at her.
"You snap out of it Lisa. Just let me pace in peace" I said and she rolled her eyes.
"Get out of my car right now. Iive brought you back home, haven't I?" I heard Rosé's voice from the gates.
"Let's go" Lisa said and ran there with her long legs while I jogged after her.
"It's not like I wanted to come with you anyway" Jisoo unnie said and got out of Rosé's car.
"What's wring with them? Why are they acting like that?" Lisa asked me.
"I.. don't know. They were fine a while ago-- were we talking to imposters?"
"Get out" Rosé said impatiently and Jisoo rolled her eyes then got out of the car and slammed the door shut.
"One more thing. Never walk in front of my car again because if you do, I'll run you over" Rosé told her seriously but she only scoffed which caused Lisa and I to exchange looks.
"You wouldn't dare, Rosé Park" And with that, Jisoo whipped her hair then strolled away.
Rosé didn't even look at us before putting car in gear angrily and driving away like a professional sports car driver.
"What just happened?" Lisa asked me.
"I think they just became Chaeng and Jisoo, again"

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