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"Urgh, school's finally over. Where are you guys going for the New Years'? Wanna head to the festival downtown?" Shibisu shouting across the classroom, making his way to the other side to find his friends.

"Sure. Since you wanna be with someone as pretty as me all the time, I'll help you out." Endorsi snickers confidently showing off again like all the other time.

The group shrugs.

"I think I can make it." Hatz adds. Shibisu's expression lights up, he strolls to Hatz and gives him a high-five then eyes the rest of the team.

Anaak nods, agreeing to go too.

The group turns their eyes upon a young boy with his gorgeous brown locks, completely out of daze from the world, absolutely absorbed into his novels as if he is inside the story himself. Shibisu calls out to him several times but still no response, although the brunette is not close to the team surely Shibisu's voice would be easily noticed or heard. However, it is a different case with the brunette. Endorsi moves closer to the brunette and pats his shoulders, making the concentrated boy flinches.

"Ah, Oh.... S-sorry. What is it?" the brunette raises his head exposing his intoxicated golden gaze.

"Bam! You have to pay more attention outside! We were talking about the festivals tomorrow night downtown. Are you coming with us? You'll come, won't you??" Endorsi chatters.

"...There's a festival tomorrow...?" the brunette, Baam questions. The poor boy knows nothing, he has never heard anything about a festival. Albeit, he probably has not paid attention much as usual. He can't help it, it's not his fault. The novels he's been reading lately has gotten the boy fully invested.

The group, obviously not surprised anymore, explains the details and they continue to discuss. It is a good idea for them to relax since they had just finished their examination works. They all come to a conclusion and will be meeting each other early around 3-4pm in the evening.

"Bam! Put it on!" a voice shouts out stopping Bam.

"Dad! I said I don't want to. I'll just go like this, it's fine." The brunette speeds up, running away from the said voice.

"No. Come here, what are you talking about?" the voice rushes up and continues "Karaka, hold your brother. Don't let him run away!"

Later Just Before Leaving

"Much better." Bam's father content with his work. "Don't you think so, Karaka? White?"

A blonde boy, with his bright yellow-ish eyes, peaks his heads behind the walls. "Yeah."

Bam pouts.

"He's not even wearing a yukata, why do I have to be the only one wearing it?!"

Jinsung raises his eyebrows, opening his mouth to answers Bam but-

-someone Interrupts him, a voice calls out from the door. A tall silver head with his silvery shining orbs comes out of his room.

"Because you're still a little growing boy. Dad wants you to make as many friends as possible."

"White!" Bam exclaims.

The brunette eyes his dad and his two big brothers until he finally gives up.

"...Fine. I'm leaving now!"

"Be careful, Kid."

"I will." Bam reassures his father and waves goodbyes to the family.

The brothers wave back and his dad smiles back, wishing for Bam's safe journey.

Bam checks his watch.


Ugh. I'm 30mns late. Great.

Bam pulls his phone out to message the group asking where they are-


"Oh my... I'm sorry! Are you hurt anywhere?"

a hand reaches out, picking Bam up.

"I'm sorry for dirtying your yukata... even though it's so pretty..." the voice saddens.

"Ah! No, that's okay. I don't think it's that damaged. Don't worry about it!"

Bam turns around and dusts himself. He looks up and-

Wow. Stunning... his deep bright blue locks highlighting his pale skin and his glistening sea sky blue eyes... Truly a beauty... one in a dime.

The guy waves his hand out in front of Bam's gaze.

"Heey~ Are you okay? I'm Khun." The bluenette introduces.

"Sorry about earlier... ya know' me running into you... AH! Your yukata is really beautifully designed, its ravishing light blue color truly outshines most of the others around here!" Khun talks excitedly.

Like a child, he's somewhat fangirling over my yukata. He's... kinda...

"Also..." he fidgets nervously.

"It...It matches my... the color of my hair and eyes..." Khun finally able to say it, finally bursts into a sot cute little giggles melting Bam's heart. "ehheehe"

Absolutely Adorable. Yep. No doubt about it. This guy standing infont of me here is an absolute doll.

"Has anyone ever told you you're adorably gorgeous??" Bam blurts out his inner thoughts.

Khun's eyes wide open. He stares straight into Bam's golden orbs, not saying a word.

The two locks quite a lasting stare.

Bam coughs, breaking the silence.

"A-Anyways! My Dad forces me into it so I guess I should thank him for that."

Khun chuckles in response.

This is not good for my heart. What is happening to me?

Bam proceeds.

"Thank you for your compliments. I'm really happy it caught your eyes."

He smiles at the bluenette.

"I should be going, Khun." Bam bows down, turns his back and walks away.

"Ah- "

But his voice stops. And before he can run after the brunette, a crowd blocks him.

Damn. Tch. Pride, my ass. I should've asked for his number, I didn't even get his name.

"What are you doing, Khun? You have a handsome guy in front of you and you didn't even manage to know his name? How can you let something as good as this slip away so easily? Urgh."

Khun depressed, deep in his thoughts. The brunette's yukata, his brown locks, golden eyes...

"A.A, lets go." His little brother, Khun Ran grabs Khun back into reality.

Cruel reality.

He tried finding the brunette but fails.

A Follow Up Where KhunBam Falls In LoveWhere stories live. Discover now