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Eugene POV

My head... It hurts like hell! What happened? Am I in jail? I slowly get up and walk to the rusty bars.
"Let me out!"
"Too late for that FLYNN RIDER!"
"Well if it isn't the head guard, Jeramiah Smith."
I gave him a harsh scowl, and he returned with a smug smile. I looked at him with confusion.
"I've been waiting for this day a LONG time Flynn Rider. I'm so confused what is he....... Oh. I slowly pulled my hand up to my neck. He gave me a devilish grin and opened the door with his jingling set of keys. He pulled me along down the hallway when two guards stepped out of a door and stood on both sides of me. Jeramiah was walking behind us. I was looking in the stalls at the other fools called criminals. My eyes widened as I saw the two red haired devils that I once worked with. I elbowed the guard on my left, kicked the other one where the sun don't shine, and head butted the captain. I jumped over the chains and grabbed Remy by the shirt.
"How do you know about her?!" I said through my teeth.
"Th-the old l-lady," he stuttered.
I looked at him it utter confusion. The guards had got up by then and were ripping me off of the rusty bars. We continued walking down the hall, I saw a small ceramic unicorn on one of the shelves. All the guards were knocked out and so was I. The next thing I'm riding on Maximus toward Rapunzels tower. I widened my eyes and stared at Maximus in disbelief. We arrived at the tower and I jumped off of the horse. I ran up to the tower.
"Rapunzel! Let down your hair!" I basically screamed.
There was a long pause and all of the sudden her golden locks flew out of the window. I grasped on to it and hauled myself up. I got to the windowsill and hopped inside. Rapunzel was tied up, I took a step closer and then I had a shocking pain in my side. Was I just stabbed?! I fell down to the floor and I heard Rapunzel shriek. Was this the end of Flynn Rider? I sure hope not, Rapunzel had just brought the beginning of Eugene Fitzherbert. I sunk into darkness.

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