Chapter 1

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Genevieve looked around the busy street of New York. "We're nearly there buddy," she said to the tired 4 year-old who had a belly full of french fries and whose head rested against her shoulder. Oliver nodded and sucked his thumb. Genevieve crossed the road to their new apartment complex and walked into the lobby. She looked around in shock. It was even bigger than she had expected, with an expensive-looking chandelier hanging from the ceiling. "Isn't this cool, Ollie?" She said, looking at him as he lifted his head. "Woah!" Oliver said with a gasp. "It's so big!" Genevieve smiled and laughed. She kissed the top of his head, which was covered by a mop of curly, brown hair. She walked over to the counter. "Hi, Genevieve Jones? I think we're in apartmen-" "Apartment 17." The receptionist said, handing her a set of keys. "There's a few more boxes. I can get someone to bring them up if you'd like," she said, pointing to a stack of 3 boxes. "We'll manage, thank you," Genevieve said with a smile as she stuffed the keys in her pocket. "Will you take this box, baby?" She said as she set Ollie down. He nodded and took the lightest of the boxes from Genevieve's hands. "You're the best," she said with a smile as she picked up the other two.

The doors of the elevator slid open and they walked to Apartment 17. "Here we are Ollie," she said. She tried to balance the boxes on her knee as she reached into her pocket for the keys, but she failed. She readjusted the boxes and was about to try again when a deep voice filled the air. "Do you need some help?" The man asked. "Yes please," Genevieve said with a laugh. He took the boxes from her hands and she unlocked the door. Ollie ran inside to his new room. His small squeals of delight and excitement filled the air. "Thanks," Genevieve said as she turned around to face the man. He was the most handsome man she had ever seen. He had steely, blue eyes and dark hair. His smile lit up his face and the corners of his eyes crinkled as he smiled. "I... I'm Genevieve," she said, holding out her hand. He smiled and shook it. "Sebastian. I live in 18 actually, right next door," he said with a laugh. "Oh really? It's a nice building, isn't it?" She said, looking around the apartment. Suddenly, she heard the pitter patter of little feet running towards her. "Mommy! Look...." Ollie began, but his eyes widened when he saw Sebastian. "Bucky? You're alive!" He said, his face an array of different emotions. Sebastian laughed and Genevieve raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Sweetie, this is Sebastian." Genevieve said, kneeling so that she was Oliver's height. "No Mommy! It's Bucky Barnes, Captain America's best friend!" Ollie said, peering over Genevieve's shoudler. "No baby, that's Sebas-" "Actually, I am Bucky Barnes. Well, the actor who plays Bucky Barnes." Sebastian said with a smile. Genevieve looked at him in shock. "Really? Isn't that cool Ollie!" She said, turning back to look at Ollie who had ran off to his room. "Look Sebathin! It's my Captain America shield!" Genevieve laughed as she stood up. She watched as Sebastian knelt down to Ollie's height. "Are you sure you didn't steal that off of Captain America himself?" Sebastian said. Ollie giggled and Genevieve's smile widened at the sound of his laughter. "Keep that very safe, ok bud?" Sebastian said with a smile as he stood back up and ruffled Ollie's hair. Ollie nodded eagerly. "I best be off. It was nice to meet you guys!" Sebastian said as he walked towards the door. Genevieve scooped up Ollie. "Say bye to Sebastian," she said. "Bye bye Bucky!" Ollie said as he waved. Genevieve and Sebastian laughed. Sebastian waved back and locked eyes with Genevieve. Genevieve could feel her heart pounding in her chest. "I'll see you around," Sebastian said with a smile before he turned and closed the door after him. Genevieve smiled, shocked that that had really happened. She kissed Ollie's forehead and smiled. "Oh boy," she muttered under her breath with a laugh. Little did she know what would be lying ahead of them.

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