My Father Always Had His Ways

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~Jason's P.O.V~

"We need to go back." I stopped in my tracks and turned around to face the large laboratory. "Jason, no!" Apple called. "We can't leave them!" I yelled. "Dude, come on they'll be fine!" Muffin placed her hand on my shoulder, which I shook off. "NO! We freaking left them! They'll be tortured into telling them what they want to know, Jerome will probably die in the process or get himself killed on purpose!" I screamed at them, tears started to gather around my eyelids.

"J-Jason... We- We can't." Ty stuttered, fear strong in his voice. "No, YOU can't Ty, because YOU'RE scared! MY GIRLFRIEND'S IN THERE! BUT IT'S ALL OKAY FOR YOU ISN'T IT?" I yelled in his face. "Jason. I'm fine... B-B..." I herd Elyssa's voice break behind me as a loud sobbing replaced the words she was about to say. I whipped around to see Jerome and Elyssa on the ground. Jerome's arm stretched out. I assumed she pulled him here. Elyssa was sobbing, but Jerome... He was gone... I could tell it wasn't hunters or guards. He quit.

I ran over to her side to comfort her. "Shh, it'll be okay!" She buried her head into my neck. Muffin and Apple joined our sides, as we all started to sob quietly. "H-Hey guys?" Everyone looked in my direction. "I'm sorry for-"

"You had every right to be worried, don't stress."

After half an hour of lying in a dark ally crying over Jerome's corpse, we decided to get moving. We left Jerome's body because it would weigh us down. I felt guilty, but it had to be done.

~Ty's P.O.V~

Am I really that selfish? I'm only ever concerned about myself! I'm such a bitch!

I looked down at the scars that marked my arms, now extremely faded, yet so noticeable. It's annoying how I get judged for doing this shit. It makes me wanna do it more, but I promised Adam I wouldn't, but he wouldn't notice if one more was added.

Not this again.

I inwardly sighed. I was so done with my messed up brain. I need help...

There you go again! Jason is right! You only care about yourself. Look around you. People are in a lot more pain than you are!


What? Am I annoying you?

The voice in my head sounded so innocent, yet so cruel. But then again, my father always had his ways.

(A/N I feel bad :( I miss Merome, but they'll be in one or two other chapters. It's not gonna be some cheesy 'oh look, they're suddenly alive! Oh... My... God! It's a miracle!' stuff. It's just some afterlife things to fill the hole that I left when I killed off TWO freaking main characters, because I felt like it ;-; There WILL be more merome action though, I pwomise<3 Btw, I forgot to post this a week ago and I'm just adding this on today XD I forgot I wrote a whole chapter :P Oops)

Should I start a song of the chapter?

Stay stronk my x'ers. Byeeeeeee!


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