02. Act of War

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The start of the school year means a lot of things for Deidre. Most importantly, though, as she settles in the dining hall alongside the past year's teammates, it means Quidditch. Her friends push and tease her about it, but Deidre would not be surprised if the sport was her one true love. That being said, she has allowed herself to put her notebook down and simply spend time with her friends as the opening feast plays out before her. Meredith and Alexis chat beside her, the topic strangely morbid despite the high energy of the hall surrounding them.

"No, because did ya hear that apparently someone finally offed Sirius Black? I think it's got something to do with Fudge resigning," Alexis was commenting, the redhead beside her simply nodding her head along with the conversation.

"Sirius was the one that managed to weasel out of Azkaban, right? Or am I thinking of someone else?" Meredith asks, twisting a lock of red hair around her finger as conversation swallows the area around them.

Deidre scoffs, interrupting the both of them, "Oi, can we not be so gross talkin' about death 'n stuff? Some of us are trying ta eat here. You girls know I have a sensitive stomach."

"You have a sensitive everything, Dee," the brunette rolls her eyes, but the smile playing at the edge of her lips shows that it's all lighthearted. Still, it doesn't stop the blonde from playfully smacking her on the arm. Thankfully, though, the girl's intrusion seems to have shifted the conversation which she is grateful for. No one likes to discuss death over dinner, not even Slytherins.

"Is that such a bad thing?" the blonde scoffs as she shovels a bite of food into her mouth to distract herself from the conversation. Although she may don ivy and silver, that doesn't mean she doesn't have feelings. Sometimes she just wants to have a fun conversation with her friends instead of discussing all the dreary subject topics that seem to haunt the halls of Hogwarts. The three of them start to fall silent as they eat their meals in quiet contentedness.

After a moment, Meredith whispers, "Sorry, Dee. Here, we'll talk about something else, yeah? How do ya think Quidditch is gonna fare this term? You excited?"

"Don't get her started on Quidditch again, please, I just want to relax until the season starts. Love you to death, Dee, but some of us can't think about it every minute of every day," Alexis retorts with a lighthearted laugh as she stabs into her plate with her fork.

Instead of being offended like she probably should be, Deidre just laughs, letting out a little snort. "You can relax, you don't have to have an entire playbook ready by the first game! For someone so brainy, you sure do like ta sit back and make me do all the hard work, Lex."

"Oi, piss off, I don't need a playbook, I just get on the broom and go and shit seems to work out from there!" the dark-haired girl argues with an expression of bewilderment on her face. "Something's gotten into you, blondie. Meredith, she's turning on me!"

Meredith just bites back a laugh, taking a bite of food to distract from her choked chuckle as she says, "Maybe you deserve it, you are being a bit rude, Alexis."

"No! My two best friends have turned against me!" she guffaws, jokingly slamming her hands against the table as her napkin falls into her lap. Looking wildly between the two giggling girls, it only further fuels their laughter.

"Um, excuse me?" a new voice interrupts the three of them. Deidre turns around to see none other than Ginny Weasley staring at her.

"Oi, piss off," Deidre brushes her off with a wave of her hand, content to ignore the ginger and go back to peacefully laughing with her friends. However, the girl is unfortunately not dissuaded by the movement and instead stays there awkwardly.

Ginny rolls her eyes before holding something out. "You dropped this. I could 'ave stolen it, you know. Might wanna be a little careful with your precious Quidditch plans, O'Connor. Wouldn't want your strategies falling into the wrong hands."

The blonde gasps as she snatches her beloved notebook from the girl's hands, holding it close against her chest. She can't believe she almost lost it and more importantly, she can't believe Ginny of all people was the one that found it. A little suspicious, if you ask her, but Deidre likes to see the best in people when she can so maybe, just maybe she'll let it slide just this once. Still, she raises an eyebrow as she gives the ginger a brief onceover.

Speaking slowly and matter-of-factly, she gives the girl a stout stare, "Well... thank you for doing the right thing, I suppose. How am I supposed to know you didn't just 'ave a little peek, huh?"

Ginny just stifles a giggle as she begins to walk away, "I guess you're just going to have ta trust me, yeah?"

Just as she's leaving, the ginger has the audacity to wink. Deidre turns back around to face her friends now that they're alone again, letting out a painful huff as she holds her notebook close against her chest. Exclaiming, "The nerve of that girl! I bet she's already bloody memorized this thing because I must have dropped it ages ago! I hate her! I have to completely rewrite all my plays now, the season is spoiled."

"Maybe she didn't look," Meredith supplies unhelpfully with a soft grin on her face, trying to offer support for Deidre although it falls on deaf ears.

"Are ya mad, woman?" Alexis surprisingly is the first to have an outburst, "There's just no way our mortal enemy wouldn't look at the entire Slytherin playbook given her first opportunity! I wouldn't be surprised if she knicked it from Dee when we weren't looking! After all, she was eyeing it on the train and everything."

"Well, look who cares about Quidditch now," is all the redhead says with a sly grin, crossing her arms as she sends a pointed look between the two girls. "I doubt she stole it, you are awfully clumsy, Dee, no offense."

Deidre scoffs, even though deep down she knows Meredith is right. "Oi, don't make me start tellin' people about the time you ate shit goin' up the stairs to the owlery, Mer. I saw it! I saw every second of it!"

"There was ice on the stairs you promised you wouldn't tell anyone!"

"Well, then don't go around accusing me of being careless with my most prized possession!" Deidre exclaims, distress clear in her voice. She whips around to look over at the Gryffindor table where Ginny is laughing carelessly with her friends. "She stole it. I know she did. This is an act of war."


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2021 ⏰

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