62 ♠ ALONE

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Being stuck in the hospital has me growing restless with anticipation of being released, but due to the insane smoke inhalation I received from the multiple bomb explosions in some random building in Glensdale—Detective Needham has already stopped by to keep me abreast of everything that transpired—they want me to remain in the hospital for observation. They believe I suffered no other injuries aside from my fractured ankle, but smoke inhalation is the main cause for concern.

After the building succumbed to flames, I was promptly whisked away to the hospital and the last sight I had of Ford was Jax dropping him slowly onto a stretcher for another ambulance. My complex feelings for him provoked an abrupt inquisition on Harris for an update on his health, but I'm adamant on not wanting to see him. As long as I know he's okay, I can start the healing process. Without him.

And most importantly, Carson's been arrested. Rightfully denied bail while the cops build up a solid, indestructible case against him.

But as for now, Quinn just stares at me, lips pursed. She remains wordless while Talia flickers her gaze between the two of us. They've been quickly caught up to date on everything when Detective Needham stopped by, and to say they were speechless regarding the scandal around my parents being my abductors is an immense understatement. They were beyond disgusted and staggered.

I continue, "You can tell me you told me so. I won't mind."

Quinn's cheeks darken. "I'm not going to say that to you," she murmurs guiltily. "I would never say it to you. You didn't deserve any of this."

Talia and Quinn are sat on my bed with their legs crossed. Somehow, they've managed to position themselves so they're both opposite me and they fit comfortably, but a part of me believes they're being too polite not to say anything right now. As soon as they heard the news, they were straight round to my bedside, and all the shit between Quinn and I has been seemingly forgotten. Until now.

I sigh, suddenly hating myself for broaching the topic. "I'm sorry, guys. I just want to get out of here. I want to go... frankly, I don't want to go home, but where else is there?"

"You can stay with either of us," Talia proposes. "For as long as you need to. Don't even worry about that right now, Gen."

I reach out to both of them and squeeze their knees. "I don't deserve you two."

While discussions of Ford have been implicitly off limits, so have the specific details of what I endured in that building in Glensdale, held hostage by Carson. I know their inherent curiosity is killing them as it's had to be politely diminished for the sake of boundaries, but I just can't vocalise everything.

I've also come to terms with Ford having impulsively decided to attempt to attack Carson and somehow plan an escape. It was a shitty decision without the required strategy behind it, but we had few options while at his mercy. We could have received any number of punishments for the endeavour, and some might say I got off lightly only being groped. It could have been a shitload worse. That's the sliver of a silver lining I'm clinging onto, and it's in no way lessened my forgiveness to Ford.

I forgive him. Plain and simple, I do.

Life's too fucking short to bear a grudge. It's all about taking risks, making mistakes, and gambling with uncertainties.

But now it's time to start planning my life without him in it.

That pains me the most. After everything we've suffered through and what we've confided in one another, I truly believed we could have been in it for the long haul. Ford doesn't know what it means to be a boyfriend; you can only stand by someone so many fucking times before exhaustion settles in at having to float through the constant stream of mistakes.

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