5. Fuck my life

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"..do you wanna come meet my friends?"

"What no! I have just met you today and the time we spend together wasn't really primetime. Also where the hell do you even come from?"

"Oh! No need to be a fucking little brat, Louis! You could just tell me that your million dollar ass is too good for me and my friends."

Harry grabbed his wallet and cellphone and stormed out of the room with a loud bang from the wooden door. Louis winced at his actions and was shut down by it before he could even try to respond to Harry's comment. He felt miserable. He never does, he lives by the slogan ^you can't change what you have already done, so except it^ but this time, every cell in his body cringed at the thought of the end of this conversation. Louis groaned and fell dramatically on his back.

"Fuck my life"

Louis mind was full of thoughts about that boy that randomly appeared tonight or that he hoped that Harry's noisy finish didn't wake up one of his family members. But it seemed like he was lucky this time because the silence was so fucking loud right now. Why did he react like that? He knew Harry was from the poorer area and even if he and his friends always made fun of the lower grade, this time it felt just wrong.

Louis grabbed his silk pillow and pushed it onto his face so his frustrated scream was muffled. After that he turned around on his stomach to calm himself down and maybe even get some rest before the morning.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP, Tommo! We are going shopping!"

"Fuck. Off. Serenaaa."

Louis smashed his pillow on top off his head to silence the annoying voice of his best friend and at the same time protect his eyes from the sunlight. But his amazing, mindblowing plan was ruined by Serena, as she snatched his blanket away.

"Move your glorious arse, mi friendo. My parents told me your highness from a father is giving another gala or some shit like that. Also Brandon Maxwell's 2019 spring collection is back in the shops and you need a new suit. End of discussion!"

Louis' mind was way too full for this time of the day. He still tried to process everything that happend in those the five minutes he was awake. He pinched his nose bridge with his thump and index finger to help him concentrate.

"Some day, Serena. Remember my words, some day I will fucking kill you but don't worry, I will bury you under our tree."

"Too funny, Louis. I laugh my ass off. Now, come on."

"Yeah- sure, just give- give me a minute."

With that Louis just turned around again.

"So, where do you wanna go next, S?"

Both of them walked through the well-known shopping street after they get out of their limousine. They have already been in Burberry to get a few new shirts and a new jacket for Louis which suits him fucking perfectly. Even his stupid ass couldn't deny that fact. Serena also got a new Burberry head scarf and a new corsett from hermes.

"Mh, oh please can we go now get our new outfits for the gala?"

Louis, who's struggling to carry all of their bags, thought about the fact that his father was probably just going to present Louis to his old, influential business partners as always. His top rule was always 'good contacts are the key to success' and Louis would do anything to please his father. He was his great rolemodel in life, his father achieved everything that louis ever wants to achieve in his life.

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