Slow and Steady - or not? [CH 2]

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A fast relationship... CH 2

"Who... are you..." asked Jeremy, petrified for his life. "I'm Y/N; better known as The Best Jammer! I don't want to hurt you or anything, I just saw that you were lonely so I decided to check up on you!!"

Jeremy was extremely confused from this gesture. A myriad of questions started to circle his head: "Is this all an act?" "Why would they like me?" "Why do they even care about me, I'm an evil creature who seeks blood and murder." Jeremy then looked up into Y/N's glistening eyes, and they were glowing with love and affection. He felt like he could trust them.

"I'm Jeremy... a phantom. I promise I don't want to kill anyone; my kind has set my reputation in a rough space. I just want to enjoy stuff. I don't want to be lonely in the darkness," wailed Jeremy.

"I know. You looked lonely so I came. Anyways, what's your address? Let's head to bed!" yelled Y/N eagerly.
"Uh... bed?! Isn't it a bit too fast for that... or anything...?" said Jeremy, confused and startled.

"I like to take things quickly and fast. I don't have time for any unnecessary slow things. Let's just get into the action," Y/N replied with a grin.

 Let's just get into the action," Y/N replied with a grin

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A Fast Relatonship - Phantom x Reader - Animal Jam FanficWhere stories live. Discover now