~just the beginning~

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*the picture is you*

Hey i'm bella lockwood . yes i know im Tyler lockwood's sister. honstley i hate him and my mom, she made him abuse me when i failed a test or did something wrong. so today im gonna run away. . my enimes are a pain in the ass . i swear they never fucking stop its the Salvatore brothers aka my ex's, kai parker, Caroline Forbes, Matt Donavin, Elena fucking gilbert, Bnnie Bennitt and pretty much all of mistic falls sadley. but im planning on running away now i had all my stuff packed and im in white sneakers, nike shorts, oversized sweatshirt and my hair was in a messy bun. im wearing sunglasses because i have bags under my eyes from crying. i jumped out the window with my bag and started walking into the woods in the moonlight. as im walking i was bored and started singing "yelling at the sky, screaming at the world. baby why'd you go away im still your girl" i sing smoothly my voice sounded angelic. i hear claps behind me as i turn around i see my one and only brother Tyler. "well done!" he said sarcasticly, "b-brother p-plea-ease" i said walking backwards flinching. until i bump into a strong muscular man. "s-sorry" i said still flinching. "its alright love" he said as his voice calmed me a bit the man walked over to my brother and had fist fight until he bit him..."what the actual fuck" i said watching wide eyed like wow! someone cares i guess "lets go , love" the handsome man said grabbing my waist walking me to the car leaving my brother hurt on the ground i smiled to myself about FINALLY my brother gets what he desserves !

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