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Logan is an hour late for bedtime. Janus resorts to desperate measures.


Janus sat on the edge of his bed, watching the clock count up, tapping his fingers on his chin. 10:59:58, 10:59:59... 11:00:00. Officially one hour past bedtime. He blew out a heavy breath, massaging his temples. He'd made this rule so that Logan wouldn't wear himself so thin all of the time. Logan had agreed. And now, on the second night of the deal, Logan was an hour late.

One hour, one minute, and twelve- thirteen- seconds.

Looked like he was going to have to resort to desperate measures.

He sighed again and rose to his feet, snapping on his gloves and shoving on his hat, then he sank out to Logan's room. Part of him hoped that Logan had simply gone to sleep in there for whatever reason, but nope, there he was, at his desk, pouring over who knows what.

"Logan~" Janus groaned, drawing out the second syllable for a few five seconds. When Logan didn't look up, he flopped dramatically across his boyfriend's desk, making sure he covered whatever Logan was reading. "I'm bored~"

"Are you, now?" Logan arched an eyebrow, doing his best attempt at a stern face, but Janus could see the amusement twinkling in his eyes. Janus stretched out, putting a dramatic arm over his eyes.

"If you don't give me attention right now, I will die~" Again, he drew out the last syllable. Logan was definitely trying not to smile now.

"Let me guess- This is about my missing bedtime?" Janus nodded and Logan sighed. "I'm sorry, but I'm working on something important. I need only a little bit more and then I'll join you."

Yeah, right, and Janus was born yesterday. "I remember the last time you said that to me- you never came to bed and pulled an all-nighter."

"I would do that this time."

He didn't taste a lie, but Logan had a tendency to tell himself "just a few minutes more" until Patton called breakfast in the morning. He got carried away too easily. "Forgive me if I don't believe you. Now, here's what we're going to do," He sat up, turning so he was facing Logan directly. "You're going to come with me now, and you'll continue this in the morning. Understood, my love?"

"Janus, it's-"

"Am I understood, Logan?" Gah, sometimes getting Logan to take care of himself was a struggle. Luckily, Janus was patient. He smiled ever so slightly, making sure his message was loud and clear; I can do this all night.

Logan sighed again. "Very well, you win. Your room?"

"Naturally." He grabbed Logan's hand and sank out, pulling the logical side with him. Once they were safely in his room, he discarded his hat and gloves, then relieved Logan of his day clothes and glasses, changing him into comfortable bedclothes with a snap of his fingers. When that was done, he grabbed Logan again and fell unceremoniously to the bed, taking Logan down with him. The lights were turned off, audiobook turned on.

Logan pulled Janus against him, pressing his chest to Janus's back and wrapping his arms around him. Janus leaned back against him, eyes already falling closed.

"Goodnight, my love."

"Goodnight, Janus."

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