Chapter One

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"You will be the most powerful witch of all time, my dear Spear" 

"He is coming to claim you, just like your powers"

"Darkness follows you"

"You will do great things my darling"

"He's near, you should be scared"

"On your eighteenth birthday, you will become the witch you're destined to be"

"With great power comes great darkness"

"Oh so much darkness"

"He's the darkest of them all"

        The hissing of hundreds of voices fills my head, they're all warning me of my future. It's been like this for years now, but the spirits are getting stronger. With my claiming just under a week away, all my true powers are starting to form in the Earth, they're running wild through the air. Causing freak accidents and storms. The spirits of my ancestors are harnessing the energy and are stronger than ever. I get the same messages every night, all about him, and the darkness. The darkness that follows me, the darkness that everyone is fear full of, expect for me. 

"You have a dark heart Spear, and a empty soul to match it"

"The Goddesses have written about you in the stars"

"Darkness, that's all you will see"

"The darkness will consume you"

"She was born dark, and will remain dark for all eternity, the darkness has already consumed her"

"Wrong, the darkness surrounds her"

"The darkness follows her, it's attracted to her"

"I can see why, have you seen her beauty? Her raven black hair that matches her soul, and her bottomless eyes that hold no colour. The darkness would be stupid not to follow her"

"Hush now! Leave the poor child alone, let her rest."

"But the darkness, she needs to understand the darkness"

"And he's coming, she needs to run, not rest"

"She needs to leave, for if he finds her, he will claim her"

        I groan into my pillow as the spirits continue to hiss into my head. I push my body up, and out of my inviting bed. My bare feet touch the cool floor and it causes the spirit talk to abruptly stop. Finally some peace and quiet in my own head. The red digital numbers from my alarm clock pierce through the darkness of my bedroom. It's just past six am, so much for sleeping in during summer break. I pad my way through the house, into the little bathroom at the end of the hall. The bright harsh light from the over head bulb spots my eyesight as I make my way to the mirror. My ghostly features reflect back at me, I could really use a tan I think to myself, also these fluorescent lights are really not working for me, they high light the dark purplish bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep. Only a couple more days I reassure myself, my powers will come and I will finally get a goods-night rest without those pesky ancestors keeping me up till the wee hours of the morning. I stare blankly into my pitch black eyes, and ponder on how it must of been for my mother when she birthed me, how much of a fright it must of gave her when she looked at her baby girl for the first time and saw that she bore the eyes of a demon. What a cruel joke the Goddesses played on her when they gave me to her. She who was known for her pure heart, and her work with light magic was gifted me, with my dark magic flowing through my veins and my even darker destiny.  

        With a flick of my eyes, they left their normal solid midnight shade and was replaced with a deep mossy green, I shyly smile at my reflection, perhaps the luck of the Irish will be with me today. It's almost a shame that I have to hide the true form of my eyes but we can't have the mortals discovering the existence of  Supernatural beings, now can we? Caring on with my normal morning routines I couldn't stop my mind drifting to the thought of my mother. Its been a long time since I thought of her, and for good reason too. She tired in the beginning, to love me, to pretend that she didn't see the darkness that lingered over my shoulder, just waiting for me to get my powers. She took her own life when I was ten, said she couldn't bear watch me fulfill my destiny. My mother was a different kind of witch, she wasn't very powerful one which led to us living a very mundane life. But what she lacked in power she more than made up for with her gifts. She had the ability to see the future but only bits and pieces, she often described it as if looking at an old film that was slowly burning out.  I guess she  had a premonition about my future and didn't like what she saw. My Aunt Nina took me in after the whole ordeal and raised me as her own, when no one else in the family would. They were too scared of what I would become, if it drove my loving and strong mother to suicide they knew it was something big.        

        My family now was one of light witches, only practicing white magic. Its ironic really seeing our ancestors were once known for the horror and pain they could cause with one slight snap of their fingers. The Blackwoods were the most feared family in the Supernatural world, just the thought of our name made a person shudder with fear. The thought of having a light witch in our bloodline was unthinkable, we held the dark and that was it. We were the darkest bloodline to have ever walked the Earth, but then one day it just vanished.  My ancestors started to change, the young were being born with white powers. We were daughters of the light instead of the night. Our reputation started to change, we were becoming something we weren't.  We were thought of as loving and caring instead of dangerous killers we once were. And so it went on for centuries, until I was born. The Goddesses had written in the stars that we were born in the dark, and to the dark we shall return. But nobody thought that it would happen so soon. In a family of white I was the black sheep, the one that would lead my bloodline back into the darkness, where we belong. 

        Pulling myself away from my chaotic thoughts, I busied myself with the task of getting the shower water to the right temperature. When I was pleased with the sight of the extremely small bathroom filling up with steam I started to strip off my pajamas, but stopped in my tracks when I caught sight of the message scribbled on the once clean mirror. My breath caught in my throat, and my heart kicked in high speed when I read the words "I'm coming for you Spear".  There was no way one of my ancestors could of wrote this, they could only contact me in my sleep when my guards where down. Even with my powers floating around they wouldn't have enough energy to write something on the foggy surface. There was only one person who could of wrote this and it was him, my mate.


        So what do you guys think? Do you love it? Hate it? Please do tell me! I've been wanting to write this story for ages now but didn't know where to start. Please comment and vote. Also feel free to correct any errors,  and all criticism is welcomed! I'm hoping to get Chapter Two up by tomorrow. (Also the picture in the Media, is what I in vision Spear's eyes to look like) 

Stay classy

-Maggie xx


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2015 ⏰

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