Chapter 4 : Travis's POV

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Conner and I had to run to our classroom and burst into the room. Everyone looked at us.

"Hello, I am Conner and this is Travis. Please call us by our given names. We don't want to be called Professors." Conner introduced us.

"Now everybody grab a piece of parchermant and start writing down the names of every greek or roman god or goddess. You have fifteen minutes. Starting now." I say and soon there was a scratching of quills on paper.

"Times up. Now please form a line in front of Draco and hand in your paper." Travis instructed.

Draco went to the front of the line. Little did he know that we were about to pull a prank.


"Do you think it'll work?" asks my brother

"Yep. If our little brother is here then it sure will." I laugh

[end of flashback]


Draco was covered in water from head to toe.

"My father will hear about this." little brother growls

"Yeah. He sure will." Conner laughs

"Class dismissed. Tomorrow we will check your papers. Put them on your desk please. Draco Malfoy will you stay behind please. For homework, do an essay on one of the greek gods or goddesses and their roman counterpart. Off you go now." Everybody left except Draco.

"Come here little bro." Conner and I say and Draco rushes over to give us a hug.

"I missed you guys. And my father will hear about this and will laugh his big but off." Draco laughs

Thunder rumbled in the distance

"SORRY" Draco shouts and we laugh

"Ok you are officially invited to dinner at our room tonight and bring the boy with the scar, the bushy haired girl and the red head boy with you. And you can meet all the rest of Hermes cabin" I say formally and we crack up.

"Ok see you tonight." and Draco walks off.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2012 ⏰

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