C H A P T E R 1 ~ C A L P A L

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(Jades clothes for Ashton's^^)
Lily Atkins~
"Calum are you sure about this?"

"Ugh. Lily you look fine! Stop moaning, come on" Calum argued. He knew I really didn't want to go to this party, but he was still making me!

"Where about is Ashton's house anyway Cal?" I whined, trying to stall by fixing my hair and make up again, but it looks like it isn't going to work this time..

"Lil, I know you really don't want to go, but I've not seen the guys in ages and you will be surprised how much Luke has change you know.." I sighed. Yeah right, I doubt Luke would change, he's always been the same arrogant arse hole I bumped into. I'm not going to say that to Cal though since he is his friend so it's only fair to just go along with it for Calum's sake.

"Okay, finee. I'm coming anyway because I'm not getting out of my sweats for nothing, I'm just not going to talk to Luke." I explained, linking arms with Calum and walking to his shiny black car, which actually looked brand new. I will have to ask him about that later..

As we were on our way to Ashton's, I decided to put the radio on so it wasn't as quiet. Putting the 'American Idiot' CD in by Green Day, me and Calum started to dance and sing awfully and out of tune to the song.

"This is one of the reasons why your my best friend Lil." Calum blurted.

"And what's that?"I asked, confused on what he is trying to say.

"You have a really good taste in music, and that's another reason why I love you." I felt my heart warm when Calum said that, I know he always says 'i love you' to me all the time, but knowing that he likes the things I like and that I don't have to pretend to like something for his sake, other than Luke, just makes me feel happy in side. I know it sounds really cheesy, but eh who cares!

"Aw, thanks Cal Pal" I teased, shoving him playfully, knowing that he hates it when I call him that, which is why I say it.

"Stop itttt!" He whines. "You know I hate it when you call me that!" He gets so frustrated when I say it. "We're here." He grumbles, well someone's in a bad mood!

"Aw Callll. I'm sorry, I love you!" I smiled up at him giving him the puppy dog eyes so he will forgive me.

"I love you too." He quietly mumbled.

"What was that?" I teased, playfully pressing my hand to my ear, wanting him to say it again.

"You heard what I said Lil. I love you okay? Now let's go inside or they're going to be wondering where." He said whilst getting out of the car and opening my door for me.

"Thank you!" I politely said grabbing his arm, feeling really nervous about meeting the boys, but feeling annoyed that I have to see Luke again. Its not like Luke will be pestering me because he doesn't like me and he knows that I also don't like him.. Or so I thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2015 ⏰

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