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kim's POV
i woke up this morning just like any other morning to the sound of my alarm wailing. i slowly lunge myself out of bed in search of the closest sweater i could find. i make my way out of my room and into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. while the coffee is brewing i keep getting this gut feeling that today is going to be a rough day at work. i get lost in my thoughts and realize it is now 7:40 and i have to be at the district for 8:00. with that i am now panicking and not even close to being ready. 'i am never late. this can't be happening." i think to myself. i try my best to shake the gut feeling out and quickly throw my hair up into a high pony tail and put a pair of jeans on. when i make it to my car it is 7:58 and i know i am going to be late. "i really don't want to deal with my boss for being late but whatever" i say to myself.

adams POV
i am sitting at my desk waiting for kim to walk up the stairs to intelligence. i am a little confused for two reasons. one being kim never misses a day of work not even when she is very sick and two kim is never and i mean never late to anything she has attended to. i start to get worried but i keep myself calm thinking that she could have just slept a little later than she usually does. before i can think of anymore scenarios i hear someone walking up the stairs. then i see her, the amazing bundle of joy she is. i feel a wave of relief but i keep getting this really weird gut feeling that something terrible is going to happen but i can't quite figure out what. i try to forget the feeling and go about my day. it's now about 3:30 and the day has been super slow. i'm pretty sure the only things i have done today is trying to catch up on paperwork and check-in with a few of my CI's. i also might of gotten into a few arguments with kevin, but don't worry they aren't serious arguments that ruin friendships.

kim's POV
today has been a surprisingly slow day. the only thing we are doing is paper work but i've already completed mine. so i just sit at my desk extremely bored while my mind fills with thoughts. 'why wasn't voight mad at me for being late earlier. adam looks really cute right now while he is doing paperwork. i really like adam but he probably doesn't like me back because who would like me. how do i tell him i like him. i definitely can't do it today i look like a mess but i mean i did rush to get ready. when do you not look like a mess kim.' i am pulled from my thoughts by one of adam and kevin's stupid little arguments about what ice cream flavor is the best. the argument is soon ended by hank walking out of his office. "we have a case suit up and go to the address i sent you all."  i go with my partner to get our vests (hailey upton) and soon i am in the passenger seat of our car. hailey is an amazing driver so she always drives, i think i am better in the passenger seat.

hailey's POV
we get in the car and i'm in the drivers seat. kim always lets me drive she says that i'm better at it than her. i feel bad for kim cause she always is bringing herself down and she has no courage in herself. it's probably from her parents she mentioned them once but after saying something she quickly shut up and changed the conversation. i wish she would tell me more about them so i can help but she wants her space and i respect that. she is really amazing at everything but she does not believe me when i say it. we had very minimal conversation on the way there. we exchanged questions like "how are you" and "is everything going well". kim surprised me with the next conversation. "do you want to go to molly's or something after work?" kim asked. i am aware that people don't usually get surprised by that question but usually kim just goes home after work and i have never seen her drink a single sip of alcohol. i said shocked"i would love to go get a drink after work!" as soon as we get to the scene we get out of our car, all of the sudden we hear a bunch of shots fired and we immediately take cover and jay calls for back up. when there is a break in the shots i get up and run towards the door. i hear kim scream "hailey no!" the last thing i remember hearing is a big loud BANG and everything goes black.

a/n- this is my first fanfic ever so wish me luck ahah. also sorry if it takes time to update chapters i am trying my best. ~emily

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