This is a ramdom poem I wrote, its a fail attempt but I'm putting it up here anyway :) Enjoy
Long have lies been told
Long have secrets been sold
Never will there be trust
Your lonely heart will soon cumbust
With all the sorrow that lies within
Crawling along your aching skin
No one with whom this sadness you can share
Your shield has been cracked you're feeling so bare
Why is it that when you wre still young
Lies about life have been fed to you by the tongues
Of parents who assumingly do what's best
For their precious child who's still perched in the nest
Of ignorance, cluelessness of what's about to come
Excitement isn't what you should be feeling
For this world is what you should be aware from
Bright colors and faces might just be appealing
Until one day you realise whats under the painting
The faces and hearts you once knew start changing
This world is not what you'd always dreamed
It isn't as joyful and easy as it seemed.