The day we meet💞💞

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Sm1: Beta wake up.......otherwise u will be late for the collage its  ur first day so don't be late.....

Sm2: Hyaa mom plz let me sleep i am very sleep......🥱🥱

Sm1: This is ur last warning avneet if u will not wakeup u will be late for the  collage and its not good because first impartation is last impartation sooo plz wake  up 


Avneet: Ok mom.... i am wake...

AM: I don't believe u open the door.....

[She open the door.....]

AM: Ok now go for bathing only half and hour is left go fast and come down fast but don't sleep.......

AM went down in kitchen and avu went for bath after 10 mins later she came out and get ready for collage and went down......

Avu: Good morning dad

AD: Good morning my princess 

Jai: Good morning dii

Avu: Good morning jai today i am going to meet reem are u coming  with me hehe 😂🤣🤣

Jai: Dad see know di is making fun of me☹☹

AM: Ok breakfast is ready everyone come

[Everyone had there breakfast and went for there works some one call avneet ooo it was reem jai's girlfriend and avneets good friend ]

Avu: Hi reemi or should i say Bhabhi 🤣

                                                                    Reem: As ur wish🤣🤣

Avu: Ok any special reason to message me!!!

                                                                             Reem: No its nothing like that i just want to meet u                                                                                                     after so long and plz be careful with my bro                                                                                                       how is he so plz all the  girl are mad  for him                                                                                                         don't react like that......

Avu:  Ya I know  I have already face him so

            don't  worry                                  

                                                                             Reem: OK don't be late  byee see u ❤❤💋💋

Avu: Byee

[ Avu reach at  collage and hug Jannat and Reem}

Avu: Hiii i miss you both sooo much😘😘

Reemnat:We also miss you😗😗

A/C Reem+Jannat=Reemnat😆😆

Jan: Babe how are u????

Avu:I am fine babe......

Reem:How was ur vacation???

Avu:It was awesome and how is our jiju u proposed him.....I already know

Jan:Who said u😨😨

Avu:It's know everything girl I am ur best friend.....😆😆

Jann:Reemi did u tell her it was surprise......😑😑

Reem:I didn't say her anything.......mabey anu said😞😞

[Anushaka and Arishfa came]

Anu: Hi avu what a pleasant surprise when did u came.....???

Avu:I came just now how are u both???

Ari:I am good........

Avu:She is always good😂😂

Ari:Just shut up ok it's not like that


Jan:let's go to class now..........

[They were going to class but suddenly someone call reem from back]

Sm1:Hiii dii

Reem:Hiii Sid when did u came and how did u came first than me?????

[Ohhhh so Sm1 is sidd Avu was just staring at him]

Sidd: Ohhh come on di I am always faster than you by the ways who is she??????[He pointed to avu]

Reem: Ohhh she my friend Avneet urf avu......

Sidd:Hiii my name is Siddarth nigam u can call me sidd.......🖐

[But avu was lost in sidds thought]

Avu pov: He is soo hot......🥵🥵🥵i have fall in love with him......i just want you!!!! aww what i am thinking🤭🤭🤭🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Reem:Avneet avu avneet........[she shouted]

Avu:What happen why are u shouting?????what happen.......

Reem:Are you all right where were u lost.....?????

Avu:I am not lost anywhere and what happen to me!!!!!!

Reem:What my brother is saying u hii and u are not replaying.......

Avu:Ooooo no no i was worried about how will be my first day...........

Reem:Ok everything will be fine don't worry............

Avu:Ohhhh anyways hii i am Avneet Kaur u can call me avu............ Nice to meet you👋👋

Sid:Same here......So today at 7.30 for coffee?????


Sidd:So byee......


[Sidd went all were looking them like omg what is happening here]

Reem:Omg what is happening here my brother is asking a girl for coffee but also in the first meet strange.....Lucky u anyway be careful than him he can do anything...don't worry lets go!!!!

Jann:You guys go i have some important work i will come before class.........

Anu:Jiju is at canteen😁😂 

Jann:I am not going to meet him ok...............

[Everyone laugh and went to class]

To be continued.........................

                                                         Thank you for reading plz don't forget to vote 

    and tell me do you want mature scenes or not and

                                                           next part is more fun and funny its of coffee date...... ❤❤❤


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