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Utahime was strolling near the sorcery school wearing her usual white and red kimono. School hours were over so she decided to have a peacefull walk while checking around as certain someone who always completely obliterate her composure whenever he comes in her view. Yes, she is thinking about that blindfolded tall as tower, gojo satoru. She wonders how he is allowed to be teacher who himself has minimum manners and doesn't respect elders.

Even thinking about him gives her headache so she shakes off her thoughts because she doesn't want to ruin this pleasant walk.


She deadpans. She certainly knows who called her name as the headache intensify just by hearing his voice. Did her thoughts summoned this devil?.

She turns around giving vexed expression.

"What?.." She asks trying to calm herself. He might be here for some work.

He slowly walks towards her. This makes her nervous. If he has some work he could tell within that distance.

He stands few inches away. She had to straighten her head upward to look at his face. She has frozen on her place because of some unknown aura of his.

She looks at him cluelessly ,at his blindfold trying to read him. What he does next completely surprises her.

He cups her face and slowly his face comes near her and he lands his lips on hers.

Her eyes widens. She is dumbstruck. Her ability of thinking have stopped for some moments. What the hell is happening. Why on the earth, the man who she loathes the most kissing her.

He seprates his lips and looks at her with smirk. She just looks at him like he is some alien.

He turns sharply and raises his right hand in air and shows victory sign with his finger.

Finally she comes back to her human senses. His broad back facing her and she looks behind him he is looking at Mei mei who is standing near grass crossing her arms relinquish smile while shaking her head.

Many questions attacks her mind. What the hell is going on?.

He turns around to face her and still having his smirk.

"Ah..Utahime ..it was our little bet..mei mei there wasn't agreeing with me that my looks can melt anyone including you" He says pointing at her.


She processes his words and her face grows flustering with anger and she is blinking rapidly to swallow her tears which are threatening to fall however she fails as her eyes turns out be teary. Gojo looks at her confused like his action were completely normal.

He never expected what happens next.

She slaps him so hard almost making him fall. His infinity was off and for the first time he got harmed by someone unexpectedly. His face reddens due the slap. He looks at her still in confuse like he is questioning her action.

"You...I wish someone hurts you so bad so you can feel the pain what others goes through...Your stupid powers protects you from everything huh...you don't even deserves it because you are insensitive, cocky and egoistic prick who lacks decency........I-I hate you.." She blurts out showing how much she is pissed by his act.

Some tears already racing down her face. She turns around and flounce away.

Gojo finds himself dumbfounded for him kissing is too usual and normal and he assumed that she might be experienced like others and wouldn't take it seriously but the way she reacted felt she was new to such things. He would admit that their kiss felt something different though he had kissed many girls and also slept with some. He felt a very unknown feeling to his knowledge somehow guilt layers in his mind making him think about his action. He feels sorry but now he can't do anything..right?. Atleast he won the bet and she might be upset but she will come around ..right?

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