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chapter twelve;look but don't touch ─────── • ❥ • ───────

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chapter twelve;
look but don't touch
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The sound of running water was so therapeutic, Jaemin felt. Its droplets and trickling pieces sliding down skin and landing onto a plastic ground just to disappear through a drain was quite mesmerising. Perhaps others would've agreed as well...

Had he not been watching it on someone else.

"Nice," the blonde adult smirked with a satiated expression as the bathroom of his shared room with Jeno had its door slightly ajar. Steam crawled out into the two-bedroom space, drifting like tentacles until they disappeared altogether. The man was simply sitting on his bed with a magazine on his lap — one he'd lost interest in since his eyes met that small space across the room.

The driver knew he probably should've closed that door for privacy reasons and for trust...but what Jeno didn't know couldn't hurt him, right? He probably wouldn't have even minded that someone was adoring his perfect physique the way Na Jaemin was.

It's not like I'm filming it, he reasoned with himself within the depths of his own, strange mind. Actually....that's a thought.

As he blinked away the idea of actually saving this, because he did have some morals, and wasn't entirely stupid or selfish. Damn, I need to close it, he sighed unhappily. Maybe one day Jeno would let him see his body for real, and let him explore it knowingly. But until then, Jaemin needed to play the right cards and not completely bulldoze over his emotions and trust.

Just as he went to stand up, the bedroom door was knocked upon. He froze, eyes widening since he knew damn well how this would look if one of the TTN tour members wandered on inside. "Panic, panic, panic!" He hissed, throwing his perfectly ordinary House and Home magazine aside as though it were an issue of Playboy. His heart leapt in his chest when the door clicked open, and there he stood awkwardly, knee on the mattress beside him while his hands were on his hips.

Very normal, Jaemin. Well done.

"Hey," Renjun's soft and skin-tinglingly gorgeous voice cut through the silence as he stepped inside, the only other sound being that of Jeno's shower. The Chinese boy eyed Jaemin suspiciously before closing the wooden frame and settling his arms into a folded position. "What are you doing, you silly man?" He chuckled.

"What would you mean 'what am I doing?'?" The blonde hummed as causally as he could — which didn't have even an ounce of normality. "What are you doing, hm?"

"Oh, well..." the brunette started, then shifted to scratch the back of his neck, "I'm bored. I can't get to sleep even though it's nearly eleven, and I could hear movement in here...so..."

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