Chapter 8

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        Jesse is like the sweetest guy ever. He has everything in a guy that I need and I can't wait to get to spend time with him tonight. Its just what the doctor ordered. I hear a knock on the door, he is a little early which is why I am glad I am already ready to go. "Hey."

"Hey, wow you look amazing." He leans in to give me a kiss on my cheek. I start blushing, all the while cursing the fact that I blush so easily.

"Thank you, so do you do." And he really does, he is looking really sexy.

"Are you ready to head out?"

"Yeah let me just grab my coat." I grab my coat and and shut the door behind us. He grabs my hand and it feels pretty good. I love holding hands, I think its one of the best parts. We decide to go to Chili's for dinner before heading over the movie theater. We haven't picked what we are watching yet, we are just going to pick the one that looks the best.

"How's your mom." I remember from when we were talking before that she had been in the hospital.

"She's doing really good, I am so glad she gave us all a scare there for a bit."

"Aww I am happy for is doing better. Are you parents still married?"

"Yup they have been married for about 35 years now."

"Wow that's pretty good"

"Its great, they are still so much in love its really good to see. It makes me hopeful that it can happen to me someday too. What about your parents?"

"My dad died a couple a years ago. My mom remarried but I don't seen them to often anymore." Which is true since that last time we got into I haven't heard from her at all. I am glad that I haven't had to deal with all the fighting but I hope she is okay. I should call her soon just to make sure she is alright. After all she is still my mom.

"Oh I am sorry to hear about your dad. Were you two close?"

"Yeah we were really close, I a daddie's girl." I smile fondly remembering him and wishing he were still here.

"I bet you were a cute kid."

"What makes you think that." I laugh

"Because you are so beautiful you would have to have been a cute kid."

"I will have to show you some pictures sometime. I mean if you want." I add nervously.

"I would love to." He grins

"Only if I get to see yours."

"You got a deal."


We had finished eating at this point and went to go pick out our movie. We ended up watching Blended, which was a pretty funny movie. We talk about our favorite type of music on our way back. We both like the same music and we took turns finding songs to listen and sing along to. When we got back to my apartment he walked me to my front door.

"Thanks for coming out with me tonight, I had a really good time. I am kinda hoping...maybe you would want to do this again sometime." He rubs a hand down his neck like he is nervous.

I smile. "I would love to, I had a great time tonight too, thank you for taking me out."

"The pleasure is all mine." He leans in and my heart starts beating faster. Is he going to kiss my check again or my lips. I am so hoping its my lips and I lean and our lips meet. His lips are so soft and so kissable. He pulls back a smile on his face. "Goodnight Emily."

"Goodnight Jesse." With that he walks back to his truck and stand there like a creeper until his tail lights disappear. That was one of the best nights that I have had in a long time. I am hopeful of finding love again and being with someone that wants to be with me. I want to be happy again and I finally am. I have found myself again and this time I am not losing it.


        The next morning I wake up to a text from Jesse.

Jesse: Good morning beautiful.

Emily: Good morning, what are you up to this morning.

Jesse: About to go get some breakfast, you want to come?

On que my stomach grumbles I repsond back with a yes, and we agree to meet up at denny's in about 20 mintutes. Which gives me enough time to get a shower. We both pulled in the parking lot around the same time.

"Hey." He gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey." I grab his hand and we head inside.

"Are you ready to eat."

"Oh yeah I am starving," I laugh

"What are you getting?"

"Blueberry pancakes, You"

"The same thing actually."

"Really?" I grin

"Yeah." He grins back. We have learned that we have a lot in common. We both like basketball, the color blue and love the beach. He loves history and English and he is a romantic. We both lost our virginity when we were 18. He wishes though that he would have waited. I wish in a way that I would have to, but I try not to have regrets. I cared about the person though and he didn't, thats the difference. He had a fight with his brother and he left and went to a friends house. His friend was having a party and Jesse starting drinking and drinking. He ended up having a one night he barely remembers. I can tell how bad he feels about it. We order our breakfast and when it arrives we eat in a comfortable silence. That's what I like about him. Its comfortable, it feels good. I really like it and I like him. As we walk out of Denny's he grabs my hand again and I can't help but like the feel of his hand in mine.

" I know we have only been on two dates but I feel as if we have something special begining between us and I was hoping if you would go out with me again. They are having a concert at the park next Saturday. Would you go with me?"

"I would love to. I would also love if I got to see you again before that."

"You will, I plan to take you out to lunch everyday that you will let me."

"That sounds like fun."

"Good, I will see you tomorrow then."

"I will be there."  We share out third kiss which was a little bit longer then the first and the second. He caress my cheek. "I will text you." Gets in his truck and heads off to work. I sigh. A good sigh, I am feeling pretty good right now. I feel inspired and excited so I do what I do best when I feel this way. I write. Jesse and I texted all day long, about nothing, about everything. Learning new things about each other. I fought my sleep just because I didn't want to stop texting him. Eventually I drifted off with a smile on my face.

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