CH 6 - The Lord

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The Lord arrived in front of the Eagle Section’s gateway. There are few guards standing and alerted by Jeon Jeongguk’s figure. He squinted his eyes sharply at them and said.

“Scram! Let this King enter or I will kill all of you!” The guards hold their swords and spears, directing towards the Third Prince.

Jeongguk laughs.

“Bunch of dogs! This Lord doesn't have time to play with you tiny ants! Step aside! Your Lord snatched my flower and this Lord came to get it back!” He speaks again, with a fierce tone.

The guards still won’t let the Lord to enter, even though they are frightened by his aura. They were eyeing at each other, hesitant for what to do. Looking at their dumb facial expression, enraged the Third Highness so much. He didn’t have a good temper to begin with and they succeeded making him lose his rage.

“This Lord has warned you before, but you dare to ignore it! Now, it is time for blood painting.” Jeongguk takes out his saber and slashes them in a blink of eye.

The front gateway is pooling with the blood of the guards. Between them only one survived and he already fainted due to shock. Jeongguk scoffed before entering the Section easily.
He roamed around the place inside and killed anyone who stopped him. Some of the strongest assassins had been dispatched to take down Jeongguk but they were struggling to do so.

Jeongguk doesn't even exert his full skills or energy to fight with them. They all already kissed the earth and were sent to hell in minutes. Soon the place is full of men in black with yellow headbands, a sign that they are from the Eagle Section, circling and cornered the Third Prince.

His Highness only laughs before he plays with his saber and defeats all of them. He is too strong, even their Lord may be not on par with his strength.

Jeon Jeongguk arrives in front of the Leader of the Eagle Section and confronts him. He takes step by step slowly, eyes never astray from him. Gun, the Leader frowns.

He definitely knows his capabilities and looking at how he killed most of the strongest Eagle Members easily, he is not confident that he can fight him at all.

“I won’t touch you if you kindly give back another pair of the flowers. You robbed it from my man in broad daylight, so you should return it to me!” Jeongguk said, tone never wavering.

“You already got the other pair, why can’t you give this one to me? Don’t be greedy, Lord of Fire Feather Section!” Gun speaks arrogantly.
The Third Prince smirks, but the aura around him darken.

“Shameless! Who said that I am so generous that I should share it to you? Don’t make me laugh! I have no time for your bullshit, give me that flower, now!” Jeongguk is stern.

Lord Gun is inevitably filled with rage. The young lord infuriates him so much by his charisma, skills and fierceness. He didn’t want to give back the flower that he took so much effort to snatch it from him.

The rare magical item is so valuable to him, he wants to use it to increase his internal energy and be the strongest leader in the world. But, with his current skills, he can never defeat Jeongguk.

“Then, fight me and snatch it back from me!” Gun said it anyway as he is too proud to admit defeat.

Jeongguk just chuckles, wasting no time and starts attacking Gun ruthlessly. He gives no time for him to avoid his beating and not even minutes, Gun is thrown on the wall multiple times. That too, with only Jeongguk’s bare hand and no weapon.
Gun spits out a mouthful of blood, breathing heavily as he shields himself strugglingly from Jeongguk’s attack. He hates that he is not as strong as him. His body already can’t handle his vicious strikes and he’s writhing on the floor, moaning weakly.

“Y-you...stop! Stop! Take the flower back! I don’t want it anymore!” Gun finally admits defeat.

“Weak ass! Remember, don’t mess with me or my people anymore. Or else, I kill you on the spot!” Jeongguk halted his attack, took the flower and left the place with no trace.

He is indeed the devil incarnation. Ruthless, bold, vicious and fierce. Gun have no choice but to admire the Lord. He sighed before he vomited another mouth of blood and passed out.

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