Chapter 2: Time Slips

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The moon is still awake when I open my eyes. I try to roll over to get comfortable and fall back asleep, making the ropes squeal like I was holding a rat by its tail. Relaxing and shutting my eyes, I take a deep break and hold my leaf quilted blanket tight – when a snap of a branch make my eyes open once more.

"...unfortunately that is not the case. Are you aware of how long this has taken me and how much pat—", the whisper lead into a higher raised tone, obviously female.
"There is no need for that" a pause, "come this way."
Slow and soft footsteps pass next to my post. Listening intently to the crunch of leaves and the gentle tap from the dirt leading back into the forest, I immediately lie up and count how many boys I see in their beds.
All six.
Hopping quietly off of my bed, I start to make way for my sword across the camp that's leaning close to Slightly's ropes. I glance up at him – he is deep into his dreams – and I stealth into the forest the way the voices went.
I'm careful not to step on twig or anything else that would make a distinct sound like the one that woke me up, so I gracefully slide my foot over where I intend to step and feel the rhythm of the progress I'm making. It wasn't long until the voices returned – there was only one who I did not identify with. Slipping into the cover of a large oak, I focus on the murmurs.
"Neither she nor the others have time for this. We gave you another month when you asked for two more weeks, she cannot last much longer."
"I am grateful, but I still have not quite figured out plans for the taking."
"You have seven to choose from..."
"But only one will do, you know that. I need a form of distraction, one big enough to drown the other six away from the one I most desperately need," Pan stops for a moment, "She was alone for most of the day; I should have gutted her heart then,"
My 'heart' sinks to the floor of the forest.

"It's quite unfortunate and to my surprise that you did not take that advantage Pan; but I do not wish to hear your 'should have's. I, along with the others will be back when the sun rises twice, and, if you fail to do your part, you'll become a snack."
There is a sudden rustle of wind, twirling around violently, and swooping off above the trees.
Realization hits me like a brick wall, but I am so paralyzed with fear and unable to move. I can hear hard footsteps walking my way, the way back to camp.
I crouch down into a sitting position behind the tree, able to control my breathing, gripping my sword and force-squint my eyes shut.
If the 'she' Peter mentioned is me, and what he was saying was true, surely if he found me out here in the dark alone, he would take advantage of the moment. I try and think of anything that would require a heart in general, but nothing came to mind – why did it have to be me? Who was he even talking to?
When I clearly was sure that Pan was gone, I stand up and ran on the top of my toes, making my way back to camp. Peter finding that I was out of bed was not a good way to go – neither was finding me out in the dark alone... finding that I was following him and know what he was about to do wasn't so hot either.
I was in distance of seeing my bed when a small voice alerted my straining ears, "Aria? Is that you?"
Yawning, and standing more into the right of the forest was Slightly, hair poofed, and still in his sleeping clothes.
I don't have time to think and run toward Slightly, who's mildly confused, "What's wrong with you? Why are you o—"
Grabbing his shoulders, I whisper to him, "Slightly. Listen to me. We both need to go back to sleep right now." Speaking so fast, he could probably hardly understand me.
"I saw you were out of bed...Is everything all right? Why do you have your sword?" his eyes showing concern.
"We need to go now," I say.
I grab a hold on to Slightly's wrist with my open hand and start walk-running our way back to the camp. When I see that the rest of the boys are still asleep and it seems nothing has changed, it doesn't reassure me of anything, and I'm still unable to relax.
There was nothing I could do or say until morning, "Okay, go back to sleep and we'll talk in the morning, hurry."
I thought to myself: I would never be tired again - always keeping wide awake and having a grip on my sword that will never fail to accompany me. This idea is the first thing that gives me a little bit of relaxation.
Slightly and I dash to our beds, which squealed, as usual, when we both got on them. I had the impression that I wasn't the only one that wouldn't be able to sleep for the rest of the night. Curiosity always urged Slightly in the stomach.
After moments of lying down uncomfortably on my back, cautiously staying alert for any movement, there were yet again, another set of footsteps. I grip my sword handle firmly underneath my blanket and my heart skips a beat even worse than when the boys fell from the treetops, but this time, the footsteps were walking to the tree that held the highest bed of them all.

The Curse - Once Upon a Time // Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) Fanfiction (REVAMPED)Where stories live. Discover now