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Light was streaming through my windows, I sat up silently and looked at my clock across the room. 6:45. I swung my legs out from underneath the blankets and stood, my arms stretching above me. I yawned and walked to my closet pulling the doors open. Grabbing a dark blue tee shirt, a pair of dark boot cut jeans and my favorite pair of black leather boots, I got dressed. Brushing through my short auburn hair as I threw it up in a ponytail that barely reached my neck, I turned, tucking my wallet into my back pocket. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth before walking out into the hallway. Walking outside, I grabbed my keys and unlocked my black jeep and got in. I took off out of the covered driveway and onto the dirt road. I turned left and found myself on the highway heading towards the big city.

Soon enough, I could see the big building and the shopping centers coming into view. I parked and got out quickly, walking around the corner and down the street to head to one of my favorite stores. I heard a jet flying overhead and I spun watching it flying by much lower than it was supposed to. I blinked and turned shaking my head. 'What has the military come to?' I walked into the store and browsed through a few shelves.

I heard screaming outside and I spun seeing people running down the street. I dropped the shirt I had draped over my arm and ran outside, looking up the street to see a giant red eyed robot shooting at anything in its path. I gaped at it for a moment, before being swept into the crowd. I heard a crying child and spun, pushing my way through the crowd as I saw a young girl, no older than eleven hiding behind a car. I ran towards her and scooped her up, running with her in my arms. I put her down and lightly pushed her forward. "go! Run, little one." she nodded quickly and took off.

I yelled as I heard the footsteps right behind me, and I spun my body around as I was met with bright red eyes. I heaved a breath as it was knocked out of my system. I spun and ran, trying desperately to get away. I felt cold fingers wrap around my body, squeezing me slightly as I struggled. "let me go!" I yelled as he laughed darkly. "you're going to become my pet." I made a face at him. "how about no?" he brought me closer to his face, mine merely inches away. "Barricade! Put the human down!" I heard an angry voice yell from behind me. His accent was thick, maybe English? Australian perhaps? I craned my neck and looked to see a bunch of robots with blue eyes standing in a defensive stance with angry features on their faces.

I felt the hand clamp around me tighter and I yelped, struggling more. I felt heat approaching my face and looked up to see a giant cannon like gun being pointed directly at my head. I struggled more and tried kicking out at him. Something smacked into his back and I went flying to the ground. I fell heavily and immediately felt relief wash over my body after being released. I tried to get up only to find that my ribcage screamed at me to stop what I was doing. I rolled over and slowly got up, using the side of the building to stand as much as I could. I walked a few steps only to be knocked down again. I turned my head sharply and found myself looking into the eyes of another red eyed robot. This one was much slimmer, with long wing like structures sticking out from his shoulder blades. He grabbed onto my ankle and I let out a shrill scream as he pulled me towards him. "let go of me!" I kicked at his hand with my other foot and he let go as I struggled to my feet. There was so much noise around me, metal clashed against metal more every few seconds.

I ran as fast as I could away from him. Another bot landed in front of me and I stopped, sliding a foot or so as I did so. I backed up a step and spun around running in between two buildings. I took off around the corner and found myself running into a robot. I fell back as my head collided with its leg and I looked up to see a bright yellow face looking at me with bright blue eyes. I watched cautiously as he picked me up with both hands, I felt tiny compared to his huge body. He cradled me to him and started running. I heard crashes of metal on metal behind us and I ducked my head as I saw a rocket shoot by. The robot holding me covered my head with his hand and ran faster and faster. I heard a strange sound and looked to see another bot with blue eyes turning into a black truck ahead of us. The bot holding me pushed me into the backseat and I fell to the side as it swerved.

Looking back, I realized the yellow bot turning into a Camaro, it chased after us. My heart was about to leap out of my chest, that much I was sure of. I gripped the seat in front of me in fear of the other robots. "you're safe little one. We will protect you." I backed up into the seat and found the adrenaline began to wear off, leaving the pain deep in my back and within my ribcage. I winced as he hit a pothole. I turned and found we were being followed by four other cars. "they're with me. Relax." I nodded, finding reassurance in his words. "what's your name?" I asked him as I moved closer to the drivers seat, watching the steering wheel move. "Ironhide. And what about you?" I leaned against the front seat, the leather cool against my warm skin. "Cassie. Where are we going?" "I'm trying to find a safe place to gather our team." I looked up at the road ahead of us, realizing we were only about three miles from my home. "I know a place. I think its big enough for you guys to be in your robot forms.. and its completely covered by trees.." "I'll run it by optimus." I raised an eyebrow at his statement. "Who's that?" I turned to look at the other vehicles following us. "The other truck." I nodded seeing him. I turned again to see we were almost there. "Up ahead theres a turnoff, if you don't slow down you won't see the turn.." Ironhide immediately slowed and turned off when the road came. The other vehicles followed and soon enough we approached my cabin. He drove up the driveway and I got out as he opened the door for me. I winced as my body moved with difficulty. My ribs were easily bruised.. I didn't think they were broken. I heard that strange sound again and turned to see the robots in their true forms. I looked up at Ironhide, then to the others. The tallest bot kneeled in front of me and got close. I backed up a step and ran into ironhides leg. "Are you alright, young one?" I rolled my eyes at him. "I'm not young. I'm nineteen. And besides, I'm fine." The older looking bot who had an ambulance insignia stretched across his arm stepped forward. A blue light stretched out and I felt a strange sensation run through my veins. I shook my head and jumped behind ironhide. "I don't like that." I could feel my hands shaking and I couldn't keep my knees from shaking either. "The girl has two broken ribs, after her adrenaline calms itself back down to the normal levels shes not going to be able to stand for long." I clutched onto Ironhide's leg as I felt my knee give out. I let go and kneeled to the ground, my legs on either side of my thighs. I took a deep breath as I held onto my side, feeling a pinching pain run up my side. I shook my head and stood up, ignoring the pain. "I'm fine. You can stay here as long as you want, its safe out here." My voice was small as I turned around and walked to the front steps of my cabin. I sat down slowly and pulled my knees up to my chest as I leaned against the railing. I watched as ironhide walked towards me. "Cassie. You need medical attention, Ratchet is the chief medical officer on this team, he could help you-" I cut him off by glaring at him. "I said I was fine. I can take care of myself, thank you." My voice was cold, I didn't mean for it to be that way, that's just how it came out. "Obviously not if the decepticons were able to grab you so easily." I looked away, guilt seeping into my mind. "I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean for it to come out like that..." I put my head in my hands, shaking my head and pulling on my ponytail. "I haven't had much experience with the whole, talk things through scenario with people.. I'm all alone out here.." I stood up and leaned against the banister, my elbows propped up against it as I rubbed my temples. "perhaps we should first start with introductions?" The tallest bot spoke up, looking down at me. "My name is Optimus Prime, I am the leader of this group. This is Jazz, my first lieutenant." Jazz sat down dramatically. "Nice crib." He nodded his head. "Ratchet, as you know, the chief medical officer." Ratchet looked down at me nodding silently. "Bumblebee, my leading scout." Bumblebee made a whirring noise, before switching around to different radio stations. "lil lady." He acted as though he had a hat on and tipped it like an old west movie. I smiled lightly at him. "His vocal processors were damaged in battle, I'm still working on him." Ratchet scanned bumblebee's face and neck. "And Ironhide, my weapons specialist." My head snapped up to look at Ironhide. "cool." I nodded approvingly at him. "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron." jazz looked at me from where he sat. "You can call us autobots for short." I nodded understanding. "The decepticons, were they the red eyed bots?" Optimus nodded. Looking towards the sky, I could see that it had gotten considerably darker. "It's late, perhaps it is time to go inside for now, Cassie?" I nodded at Ratchet. "Goodnight.." "get some rest, little one." I slowly made my way to the front door and went inside. My bed called to me as I flung myself on top of the quilt, closing my eyes and drifting off.

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