The Wood Sparked Matcho (Part one)

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February 16: The Wood, The Spark, The Dark

Yesterday was Tuesday. Today Wednesday, an early release.
Yesterday...yesterday was the the first time Megan said she loved-well, loves- me.
Today, sense it's a Wednesday and early release, we're spending the day at my place; Megan and I.

There's a knock at the door.
"I got it." Ezrynn tells me, standing out from under my arm to answer the door.
I get up with her, and we head to the peep hole.
Ezrynn can't reach it, so before she opens the door, I pick her up so she can peek.
She screams at first, then giggles. It doesn't help when I tickle her.
I laugh with her, and after a while, the knocker knocks again.
I roll my eyes.
"Peep through." I tell Ezrynn.
She looks, and when she sees my girlfriend, she screams with joy.
"Ezrynn!" Megan shouts through the door.
Ezrynn jumps out of my arms, unlocks the door quickly.
"Megan, Megan, Megan!"
"Goodness, Ms. E, if I knew you'd be this excited to see me after a day, I'd have planned a date for just me and you!"
Ezrynn crushes her in a hug, and Megan grunts in response.
"Well, I'm happy to see you, too, little squirt." Megan hugs Ezrynn back, ruffles her hair.
"No, where's my Corbsten?"
"Right here, Megsters!"
Megan squeezes me in a hug, and I grunt, just to play with her.
She slaps my arm.
"Ow!" I say, mock hurt in my eyes.
Megan rolls her eyes.
"Ms. E?"
"Camden says he wants to hang out with you. You up for it?"
So Megan and I drive Ezrynn back to her house.
"Ezzie." I say when she's done hugging me goodbye.
"Mom and dad won't be home, and sense it's four day weekend," yeah, totally bizarre, there's literally no reason for it. "I was thinking you might want to spend the night with Onica and Zola?"
Ezzie looks uncomfortable, but she agrees.
"Okay then, Megan and I will get you some cloths and hygiene necessities. Is there anything else you want? Like a book or something?"
"Uh, yes, please, can you bring that and my sketch and writing notebooks?"
"Yep. Anything else?"
"Don't think so."
"'Kay, Ezzie, love you!" I say, hugging her once more.
"Love you, too."
"Bye, Ms. E!"
"Bye, Megan!"
And we leave, first making sure that the twins choose to answer, then driving away.

"Want to go back to my place like normal? Or do you want to...go to the park woods?"
"Ooh, planing on murdering me?" Megan jokes. "Sure, that seems nice, going to the woods. But we should go get some water and snacks, blankets and books, don't you thing?"
"I do. Let's do this." I say, revving the engine.
"Corbin!" Megan shrieks in a playful tone. "I do not need another sprained ankle!"
Oh, I forgot to mention, Megan sprained her ankle in the crash, and now she hast to where a brace. It goes under her cloths, though, so I forget.
We laugh together, then go to get the supplies.

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